2010's Technology

  • 4G Introduced

    4G Introduced
    Between 2010 and 2011, 4G was introduced as there was a big increase in the use of smartphones and tablets utilizing cellular data which created a need for faster service.
  • Apple Released First iPad

    Apple Released First iPad
    In 2010, Apple released the first iPad. This piece of technology was a trailblazer at this time as there wasn't a tablet of this caliber out on the market.
  • USB-C Created

    USB-C Created
    In 2014, the USB Implementers Forum (a group of members from hundreds of different companies) developed the USB-C connector. The goal of USB-C was to have a universal cord for computing systems for both power and data in a single cord.
  • Apple Watch Released

    Apple Watch Released
    In 2015, Apple released the first Apple Watch. While it wasn't the first smart watch on the market, it shook things up and quickly became the best selling watch.
  • TikTok Released

    TikTok Released
    In 2017, Bytedance, a tech company based in China bought out Musical.ly which was an already developed app in the United States and absorbed it into what is globally know as TikTok.