By br00kie
  • iPad

    The iPad
    Steve Jobs
    the iPad was invented as a way to bridge between the size and convenience of a smartphone and the power and familiarity of many with laptops.
  • Oculus VR

    The virtual reality headset market began in 2012 with Oculus. VR headsets haven't taken off yet
    Palmer Luckey
  • Microsoft Surface

    The device was launched as Surface with Windows RT
    Panos Panay
  • Chromecast

    Majd Bakar
    inspiration for the product came around 2008 after noticing the film-viewing tendencies of Bakars wife Carla Hindie.
    The technology is now built-in to many TVs
  • Apple Watch

    Ian Parker
    wasn't the first smartwatch but helped turn apple watches more wearable and make healthier users.