• 2010

    Steve Jobs and Apple created the Ipad. The ipad can let you watch movies, shows, go on the internet and lots more.
  • 2010

    Apple also created the "macbook pro" This was a newer version of the mac computer. It could do more than the original. It was a good thing for personal time and work etc.
  • 2010

    Apple created the Apple Watch. this could do lots of things like, look at your health, working out goals and more.
  • 2010

    In 2010, Nintendo made the WII system for entertainment. You could play games or watch netflix on it.
  • 2011

    In 2011, the Nest Thermostat was made. This controlled the temp.of your house.
  • 2012

    In 2012 Nintendso made the WII U which was better than the WII because it came with a game pad and swag
  • 2014

    Amazon created the Amazon echo in 2014. This could let you watch movies and shows and had Alexa.
  • 2016

    Apple, in 2016, created the AirPods. These were wireless Bluetooth earbuds.