2010-2020 Technology

  • Web browser

    Tim Berners-Lee went down in history in 1990 because of his invention of the web browser. The web browser allowed access to the internet, which was still new at the time. The invention has come a long way because now web browsers are able to be at our finger tips
  • Text Messaging

    Friedhelm Hillebrand and Bernard Ghillebaert were the geniuses who invented text messaging. Text messaging allows people to communicate from far away with little time between messages. Texting has come a long way since it was first invented, because now we use it in our everyday lives.
  • Playstion 1

    In 1994 Sony released its first PlayStation. The PlayStation allowed people to play video games in their own home. The PlayStation really shaped the future because now almost every house has a game console in it.
  • Amazon

    When Jeff Bezos Invented Amazon it was only for online books. Now Amazon is one of the corporations in the world. Amazon went from just shopping for books online to shopping for anything you want online. It has really instigated itself into everyday society.
  • MP3

    Saehan Information Systems published the MP3 player in 1997.The MP3 player allowed people to listen to music of their choice. The Invention enhanced our lives because now there are more genres of music.