
  • Earth Simulator

    Earth Simulator
    Earth Simulator, Japanese government. A supercomputer which ran climate change models and was known as the world’s fastest supercomputer until 2004.
  • Youtube

    Youtube, Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim. Youtube created a platform for free video sharing through the internet.
  • iPhone

    iPhone, Steve Jobs. The iPhone was a smartphone which included music, internet and mobile phone capabilities. Laid the foundation for modern smartphones and introduced the app store one year later.
  • Kindle

    Kindle Jason Merkoski. The kindle is an ereader which allowed the public to browse, download, and read books electronically. It was the first ereader which gained major popularity.
  • IBM Roadrunner

    IBM Roadrunner
    IBM Roadrunner.The first supercomputer to break the petaFLOP barrier. Floating point operation per second (FLOP) is a unit of measure for computer power and speed. A petaFLOP is one quadrillion calculations per second.