Technology Progressions 10s

  • Period: to

    2000 to 2010

  • Facebook was Created by Mark Zuckerberg (2004)

    Facebook was Created by Mark Zuckerberg (2004)
    This was the first social media site of it's kind. Appealing to all groups. It allows for highly targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Youtube Invented by Jawed Karim, Chad Hurley, Steve Chen (2005)

    Youtube Invented by Jawed Karim, Chad Hurley, Steve Chen (2005)
    Youtube was the first social media site of it's kind. Allowing people to post videos to it's streaming platform and communicate online in this fashion. People could like videos, post comments and send messages. The "youtuber" was invented.
  • I-Phone was invented by Steve Jobs (2007)

    I-Phone was invented by Steve Jobs (2007)
    It brought music, calls, internet, camera and multimedia applications into a portable device accessible from anywhere.
  • Kindle was invented by Jeff Bezzos (2007)

    Kindle was invented by Jeff Bezzos (2007)
    The Amazon Kindle was created bas the first device specifically created for electronic publications. It has a very long battery life and allows people to read their books just about everywhere.
  • Instagram was Invented by Kevin Systrom (2010)

    Instagram was Invented by Kevin Systrom (2010)
    Instagram was the first Social Media platform of it's type. It focuses on Photos. It allows you to like and comment on people's photos and videos as well as instant messaging.