2000's Technology Timeline

  • USB Flash Drive

    USB Flash Drive
    Introduced to the market in the year 2000, the USB flash drive was a crucial development in convenient and portable computer memory storage. The device was invented by Israeli engineer Dov Moran.
  • Windows XP is launched

    Windows XP is launched
    Windows XP is an operating system created by Microsoft for use in Personal, Business, and many other types of computers. The software was stable and incredibly persistent in the tech world, having been supported all the way to 2014!
  • Opportunity and Spirit Rovers Land on Mars

    Opportunity and Spirit Rovers Land on Mars
    The landing of these rovers on Mars signified the progress made in the application of computer technology in space exploration. Designed by CalTech, these rovers accomplished their mission exceedingly well.
  • AWS Launches Cloud Based Services

    AWS Launches Cloud Based Services
    Amazon Web Services created their cloud server base to allow customers to utilize server capacity and infrastructure via renting only the allocation required for their goals.
  • The iPhone hits the Market

    The iPhone hits the Market
    The iPhone is a ubiquitous technology in our modern world. Created by Apple, this device would go on to dominate the cell phone market and helped propel Apple to the most valuable company in the world.