2000's Computer Advancements

By tevine7
  • USB Flash Drive

  • Microsoft Windows 2000

    Code-named Janus during development, Windows 2000 is based on the Windows NT kernel, and is sometimes referred to as Windows NT 5.0. Windows 2000 contains over 29 million lines of code, mainly written in C++ with over 8 million of those lines written for drivers. Windows 2000 is by far one of the largest commercial projects ever built.
  • Windows XP Implemented

    Revolutionary operating system.
  • Blue Ray

    Blu-Ray was made by Sony to created a new way to watch HD movies to consumers. It allows high definition up to 720p-1080p. It uses a blue laser to scan and read the disc which was a greater density than red laser for DVD players.
  • Facebook

    Mark Zuckerburg launched Facebook which allowed for people all over the world to connect with each other. It connect people all around the globe and gave people the ability to interact online with ease.