
  • Camera Phone is Born

    Camera Phone is Born
    The first camera phone was created. Sharp-manufactured digital phone with integrated camera! The camera phone was a huge advancement and contributor to social media. Without it, none of the apps we use would make sense.
  • Mac OSX

    Mac OSX
    The Mac operating system a lot of us know and love was created in 2001.Prior to 2001, Apple used a Linux based software as their operating system which was very different than the one we use today.
  • Myspace / RAWR XD (don't come for me)

    Myspace / RAWR XD (don't come for me)
    In 2003, Tom Anderson created Myspace. We all know Tom, he was our first friend online. Myspace was the foundation for all of the social media platforms we use today. Although it's been replaced by Facebook, Facebook probably wouldn't exist if it weren't for Tom.
  • Nintendo Wii Debut

    Nintendo Wii Debut
    In 2006, Nintendo releases the Nintendo Wii. The Wii was extremely popular was one of Nintendo's largest releases for gaming systems in years. Gaming enriches a lot of kids and adults lives by providing something to do in time of boredom (like quarantine!) The Wii also introduced many fitness games to go along with the system.
  • Apple iPad - The Beginning of Something AWESOME!

    Apple iPad - The Beginning of Something AWESOME!
    In 2010, Steve Jobs / Apple created the Apple iPad. The iPad was the starting point for a lot of really cool tablets that exist now like the Microsoft Surface and iPad Pro. In 2010, the idea was to have a larger phone to watch tv on and play with apps. Now, a lot of companies use tablets for work (including myself!), as operating systems for in home technology, and for graphic design! Such a cool invention.