
  • The Xbox

    The Xbox
    One of my earliest memories was watching my dad play on the first Xbox. Even though I was only 1 when it came out I remember 5 year old me watching my dad play on his console. Invented by the Microsoft Direct X team they wanted a console to compete with the PlayStation. This opened doors for gaming an later on online gaming
  • Blue Ray

    Blue Ray
    In 2006 the release of the Blu-Ray disc came out. Invented by a small group from Sony which later became known as the Blu-ray disc Association. Blu ray offered better video and audio quality along with greater storage capacity. Had an impact on video and audio going forward.
  • The Wii

    The Wii
    In November of 2006 Nintendo's Wii came out. The Wii was a gaming console that tracked movement via controller with a sensor on the handheld controller and on the console to interact with the game. this impacted the amount of people wanting to play because of the unique games like Wii fit and Wii yoga.
  • The kindle

    The kindle
    In November of 2007 the kindle was introduced to the market. Created by Gregg Zehr, the kindle was able to store multiple forms of reading material on one device.
  • Apple iPad

    Apple iPad
    In April of 2005 Apple released their iPad. The iPad, invented by Steve Jobs, was a tablet that could do anything a desktop computer could do. Later develops made the iPad an essential tool for editing and sharing content.