2000-2010 significant inventions

  • Flash drive was introduced

    Flash drive was introduced
    Inventor- Dov Moran, The flash drive is a big invention in the computer world. first flash that can hold storage and just plug into USB. it was the next big invention of being able to back up and transfer file between different files.
  • First camera phone

    First camera phone
    Inventor- Philippe Kahn, Kahn was the first to but a camera in a portable phone. photos would also be able to be wirelessly message the photos to each-other. Within a year of the first phone, phones with cameras were then heavily used with cameras and they are very popular.
  • Gmail is announced

    Gmail is announced
    Inventor- Paul Buchheit, Google Gmail was announced April 1, 2004. gmail was the first free mail service online, it was fast, advanced, and easier to use than other email servers. Gmail would go on to blowing up and with the easy to use platform.
  • Youtube was founded

    Youtube was founded
    Inventor- Steve Chen, Youtube started of just uploading videos that were too big to send by email and turned into people uploading videos for others to view for entertainment. Within a year millions of people were viewing videos. Now Kids and everybody watch youtube almost everyday.
  • Ipad was released by Apple

    Ipad was released by Apple
    Inventor- Steve Jobs, Ipad has made a huge impact in technology. The device is just a larger screen for using certain platforms that prefer a bigger screen. Today people use it for job, restaurants, entertainment, and sports.