
2010-2020 Inventions

  • Windows 7 Released

    Windows 7 Released
    Windows 7 was the most popular operating system of its time bar far. Bill Gates was the co-founder of the company who is responsible for the creation of Windows 7, Microsoft.
  • iPad Released

    iPad Released
    The iPad was essentially a compact, portable computer that fit in your lap! No mouse required, this device also allowed its user to make selections and browse the internet with the press of a finger on the screen. This technology was released in 2010 by Apple and their founder, Steve Jobs.
  • Playstation 4 and Xbox One are released

    Playstation 4 and Xbox One are released
    Many people are familiar with video games and their impact on today's youth. The Playstation 4 and Xbox One were both consoles released in 2013 that made video games more common to the average person.
  • Windows 10 Released

    Windows 10 Released
    Windows 10 was, again, by far the biggest operating systems for computers and pcs when it was released, and is still among the most popular operating systems even today! Windows 10 was also made by Microsoft and Bill Gates.
  • Amazon Echo and Alexa Released

    Amazon Echo and Alexa Released
    Before 2015, voice commands for technology had been inconsistent. Amazon's Echo and Alexa revolutionized voice commands and made them more accessible. This device was released by Amazon and its founder, Jeff Bezos.