2000-2010 in Technology

  • Camera Phones

    Camera Phones
    Phones were first used to chat with others. These camera phones gave a feature to phones that is seen in every phone today. Camera phones allowed for pictures to be taken through your phone. It originated in Japan, and slowly diffused around the world. It's common for phones to have this feature now. At the time though, the ability to take pictures of yourself or your environment was shocking and new.
  • USB Drives

    USB Drives
    These allowed for data to be carried. Rather than using disks or other things to transport and download, USB drives were small devices easy to carry. They could easily plug into monitors, phones, and other bigger devices to transmit data. These drives are still used today.
  • Facebook

    A type of communication that expanded. Facebook was one of the earlier social media platforms. Created by Mark Zuckerberg, the platform allows people to share online their daily life and talk to people. It rose quickly and became a bigger business. People use this for fun or to promote business or various other things.
  • Youtube

    A common site to view different types of videos. It started in 2005, but became successful in 2006 after partnering with Google. YouTube is heavily used for different kinds of videos. We can view different forms of teachings and how to perform and complete task. People also can just relax and enjoy themselves throughout various types of videos on the platform.
  • Iphones

    One of the biggest phone brands today. It sold in 2007. It was different from other phones due to the touch screens and other types of features that have never been seen before. These features have carried to other brands is common to find. Newer phones help expand these features.