
  • Facebook

    Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook has given us more connectivity worldwide, with real time communication and easy to use features that enhance and foster communities
  • Youtube

    Youtube was created by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim. Youtube has enriched our lives by giving us access to a platform where others can share media and that teaches, allows creativity and supports content creation
  • Iphone

    The Iphone was created by Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Iphones have given the world access to the internet, entertainment, and real time communication in a simple and user friendly way
  • Cryptocurrency

    Cryptocurrency was supposedly created by Satoshi Nakamoto. Cryptocurrency has given individuals a new way to invest in companies, as well as introduce a new and growing market in digital currency
  • 4G

    4G was first released on the HTC EVO 4G smartphone released by Sprint. 4G has given the world new speeds and more reliable connectivity at which to communicate online and access information