2000 - 2010

By Veleo
  • First USB flash drive is sold

    First USB flash drive is sold
    This is a weird one, although created in 1995 it was worked on and perfected until 2000 where the first one was commercially sold. This made computers easier for everyone
  • iPod is created

    iPod is created
    This little device was extremely popular for making music easier to get and revolutionizing personal devices. It was the base for apple and without it the iPhone & iPad wouldn't exist.
  • Facebook is created

    Facebook is created
    The most popular social media to date and still relevant today. Made internet culture way more popular then it could've been. Even with the name change to Meta and it expanding to every thing like Instagram and VR sets it's still very relevant.
  • YouTube begins

    YouTube begins
    Now todays largest video sharing site, YouTube begins and grows fast. Being "viral" was a goal with everybody and everyone wanted publicity. Still relevant today and made other things extremely popular like gaming.
  • iPhone is created

    iPhone is created
    Although I'm a android user the first iPhone made phones easy and revolutionized touch screen tech and made a technical leap that almost every phone has jumped too today.