
By odiaz20
  • .GOV

    President Bill Clinton announced that government websites would be accessible to the public (.gov). We are not able to cite our sources and have credible sources in which many useful information is used in schools, work, and home for our personal usage and inform others of important information that impact our daily lives.
  • iPod

    Apple introduced the first iPod and Apple earbuds.
  • Linkedin.com

    Social media platform used for professional networking. Companies are able to access your "working" account and quickly scan the profile of how your work experience, education, licenses, and see your qualifications. This is useful if a resume is to compact, including your Linkedin the company giving you an interview can view your profile and have a better understanding about your professional work ethnic.
  • Safari

    Safari was released, this is the main internet browser for apple products.
  • Nintendo DS

    Portable game consoles sold by Nintendo. I remember these game machines were everywhere, many kids were jealous other who had them wouldn't not share them or only got to see the tiny screens behind someone who was already in the huddle.
  • Google Maps

    Search engine that uses satellites and is used mainly by Android users. i personally prefer Google maps because it is more accurate, but experience with maps from Apple
  • Twitter

    Twitter is officially launched! A social platform used a lot by our current president. Mainly to dispute and not inform
  • iPhone

    The iPhone is introduced which is a smartphone with the ability to run many software apps with a touch screen. The first demonstration is in
  • Spotify

    Spotify gives people, for free, the ability to listen to music, podcasts, and videos which are basic streaming services. I was crated by a Swedish company founded by Daniel Ek and Martin Lorentzon.
  • Maksym Yastremski

    Yastremski was sentenced to 30 years in a Turkish prison for his involvement in computer hacking and selling stolen credit and debit cards.
  • Robotic Surgery

    First all-robotic surgery performed at Montreal General Hospital. We can see that was 10 years ago in another month, how nowadays we have more then just an all-robotic surgery being performed. People have robotic hands that are connected to their nerves and 3D printers that only need a bit of programming and it does the rest of the work.