2000-2009 Computer timeline

  • USB Flash Drives

    USB Flash Drives
    The USB Flash Drive was invented by Pua Khein Send and Dov Moran. This invention simplified the way documents/files were stored compactly. Even though google drive and clouds are used to store most of our documents and files today, the USB is still a reliable way to store these since it does not require an internet connection to access the files.
  • iPod

    Steve Jobs and Tony Fadell invented the iPod which was an improved version of an MP3 player. This device allowed you to download music from iTunes and listen to it with earphones. The iPod's success made Apple a recognized brand that later created products like the iPhone and iPad. Without the invention of the iPod, we would not have many of our beloved Apple devices.
  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo Wii
    Shigeru Miyamoto and Genyo Takeda invented the Nintendo Wii console. The console introduced the public to motion-activated controls and games that responded to the motion of the player. This invention led to the creation of similar game consoles by companies like Sony and Microsoft.
  • Kindle

    Greg Zehr created the Kindle, an e-reader that allowed you to read digital documents or books with ease. The Kindle was sold by Jeff Bezos' company, Amazon. This invention revolutionized the way people could read books, it was no longer required to have a physical copy but rather a digital library that gave you access to many books.
  • iPhone

    The iPhone was invented primarily by Steve Jobs. The revolutionary iPhone was an all-in-one device that worked as an music player, camera, telephone, etc. The iPhone released in 2007 has the same functions that iPhones today have, except the newer iPhones have higher capabilities like better camera quality and larger screen displays.