2000-2006 Technological Advances

By pg3027
  • Segway transporter

    Segway transporter
    This was invented in 200 for transportation. It was invented by Dean Kamen.It is two wheeled and is powerd by batteries.
  • First Hybrid Car

    First Hybrid Car
    The first hybrid car was released by Toyota the car was a toyta Preius. 1.25 million were sold in the U.S
  • At & t First messing to U.S

    At & t First messing to U.S
    In 2000 at&t made text messaging available to the U.S. Texting is now used by millions of people.
  • Battlefield Medicine

    Battlefield Medicine
    A medicine that improved mortality. It helped with trauma and other purposes. There are impressive numbers used in war.
  • Wikipedia

    Wikipedia is a site where you can look up articals and find information. People can go and add articals anytime they want.It now has 17 million articals from vounenteers.
  • First iPod

    First iPod
    The first iPod cam out in 2001. It was released by apple products. By 2007 the 100 millionth iPod was sold!
  • Artificial Liver

    Artificial Liver
    This was the first man made organ to be actually used.Used to replace a certain organ that was for the purpose of restoring it. It odes not have to be related on life support but usually is.
  • Braille Glove

    Braille Glove
    This is a glove used by the blind. It was invented in 2002 by Ryan Patterson. They are little bumps that make symbols which represent letters and words.
  • Foven Camera Chip

    Foven Camera Chip
    THe foven camera chip was invented in 2002. It was invented by Richard Mill. It is a image sensor made my foven inc.
  • Human Genome Project

    Human Genome Project
    It gave us the ability, for the first time, to read nature's complete genetic blueprint for building a human being.
  • Blu-ray

    The Blu-ray is a hd version of dvd's. The blu-ray replaced vcr's and dvd's for movie quality. It isd the same size as the regular dvd but people prefer it bercause of the quality zand capacity.
  • Mars Rover

    Mars Rover
    The mars rover made it to mars in 2004. It has lasted 25 times longer than its expected date.
  • Facebook

    Facebook is one of the main social site. It was made for communitave purposes but has games and others. It was made by a collage student at American University.
  • Youtube

    Youtube was invented in 2005. It is a networking system where people can post videos. It was invented by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawid Karwhim.
  • TV show online

    TV show online
    In 2006 TV shows became available. You could get them for free online with computers and other devices. Only certain websites allowed it to be available.