20 years of technology

  • Oct 13, 1232

    history of rockets

    history of rockets
    The true rocket was born. The date reporting the first use of true rockets was in 1232. At this time, the Chinese and the Mongols were at war with each other. During the battle of Kai-Keng, the Chinese repelled the Mongol invaders by a barrage of "arrows of flying fire."
  • history of cars

    history of cars
    In 1808 François Isaac de Rivaz designed the first car powered by an internal combustion engine fueled by hydrogen. ... In 1885, Karl Benz developed a petrol or gasoline powered automobile. This is also considered to be the first "production" vehicle as Benz made several other identical copies.
  • history of trains

    history of trains
    Locomotive History. In 1814, George Stephenson, a British engineer, built the very first steam engine for the locomotive. Within 15 years, New York ordered one straight from England, becoming the first American running train known as the Stourbridge Lion. Steam engines, also used in boats, were run by water and fire.
  • history of electric boats

    history of electric boats
    Outboard motor designs, such as those invented by William Woodnut Griscom of Philadelphia in 1879 by and Gustav Trouvé in 1880, enabled the commercial production of electric boats. By 1882, the Electrical Power Storage Company had produced the first commercial river launches on the Thames River in England.Jul 10, 2014
  • history of planes

    history of planes
    On this day in 1903, near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville and Wilbur Wright make the first successful flight in history of a self-propelled, heavier-than-air aircraft. Orville piloted the gasoline-powered, propeller-driven biplane, which stayed aloft for 12 seconds and covered 120 feet on its inaugural flight.
  • history of television

    history of television
    By the 1920s, when amplification made television practical, Scottish inventor John Logie Baird employed the Nipkow disk in his prototype video systems. ... This is widely regarded as the first television demonstration in history.
  • history of computers

    history of computers
    Brief History Of Computer. The computer as we know it today had its beginning with a 19th century English mathematics professor name Charles Babbage. He designed the Analytical Engine and it was this design that the basic framework of the computers of today are based on. ... It was called the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) ...
  • history of wifi

    history of wifi
    These frequency bands are the same ones used by equipment such as microwave ovens and are subject to interference. In 1991, NCR Corporation with AT&T Corporation invented the precursor to 802.11, intended for use in cashier systems. The first wireless products were under the name WaveLAN.May 18, 2017
  • the first smart phone

    the first smart phone
    The first smartphone was developed by IBM and BellSouth, which came out to the public in 1993. Althought basic compared to today's standards “Simon” had a touch screen that was capable of accessing email and sending faxes. Smartphones are major extensions on normal cellphones.