20's timeline

  • Commercial Radio Broadcasts

    Radios have been around since the early 1900s. They were used to keep the public informed of how the war was going. In the 1920s was when the first commercial radio station was invented, the reason they were able to make this station was that the population almost all had radios to broadcast through.
  • Polygraph Machine

    In 1921, the Polygraph machine was invented by John Larsen. The machine's duties were to measure someone's blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate. The results were then transcribed onto paper.
  • Toaster

    I'm not completely sure if this would be a part of computer making but in 1925 the first toaster was invented by Charles Strite. CHarles knew there had to be a faster way of making bread toasty other than placing it on a pan so he created the first pop U toaster.
  • sliced bread

    Along with a toaster, even though it doesn't seem like much of an invention, in 1928 bread was being sliced by the machine made by Otto Fredrick Rohwetter which made slicing and packaging bread a lot faster.
  • 80 column punch card

    These were not the very first punch cards to be invented. These cards became the standard punch cards for data processing machines for about 50 years