20 Major Events

  • Women gain rights

    In 1920, the 19th Amendment was passed in the United States, granting suffrage to women
  • The Miss American Pageant

    In 1921, the first Miss America Pageant took place with a total of eight contestants in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
  • Prohibition

    Prohibition of alcohol often referred to simply as prohibition. It means the legal act of prohibiting the manufacture from selling the alcohol and transporting it to people
  • The Spirit of St. Louis

  • The Great Depression

  • The New Deal

    The New Deal was a series of economic programs brought to America in the 1930’s
  • The Dust Bowl

    Dust storms are really destructive to homes and anything that was in it.
  • The Holocaust

    Adolf Hitler was the leader of this group and they killed Jews, homo-sexuals, and many others that were not like them
  • Pearl Harbor

    This marked the start of WWII.
  • Women Working in Factories

    This is a term that represents the women working in factories during WWII.
  • Jackie Robinson

    The first African-American baseball player.
  • VE Day

    A celebration of the defeat of the Nazi war machine. Otherwise known as the end of WWII.
  • Vietnam War

    It was overall an anti-communist vs. communist battle.
  • First man in space

    Soviet cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, made history on April 12, 1961 when he became the first person in the world to enter space
  • LA Riots

    It goes down in history as the largest and costliest rebellion of the Civil Rights Era.
  • Civil Rights Act

    It ended racial segregation in public places and schools. It allowed women to vote in the United States. The bill changed American history forever.
  • Columbine

    Eric Harris and his friend dylan ran into school with guns.
  • 9/11

    The September 11 attacks were a series of suicide attacks that were committed in the United States on September 11, 2001.
  • Iraq War

    The invasion led to the capturing of their leader Sadam Hussein.
  • Plane in Hudson

    US airways flight was a scheduled to fly from New York to Charlotte North Carolina. The pilot ditched the plane into the Hudson, six minutes after takeoff. They struck a flock of geese causing problems to the plane. All of the 150 passengers survived the crash.