Plymouth Colony passed America's first ordinance controlling the sale timber.
Regulations for deer hunting were imposed by the charter of Newport, Rhode Island.
Several of the colonies had passed laws against burning of the forests.
Connecticut and Massachusetts imposed limits on the deer hunt.
New York Sporting Club was formed.
First state administered game and fish commission was created in Massachusetts.
America Forestry Association was organized.
Forestry office became the Division of Forestry of the USDA.
Only 500,000 deer in North America, and those were hidden in dense swamps.
Congress authorized the certain of forest resources from publc-owned land.
Gifford Pinchot became head of the USDA's Forestry Division.
Made the interstate transportation of game taken against stae law a federal crime.
The Weeks Law gave the President authority to purchase forest lands for river water shed protection.
The United States and Great Britain signed the Migratory Bird Treaty
Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act was passed.
Aldo Leopold published Game Management.
The Soil Erosion Service was established in the Department of the Interior.
The Duck Stamp Act was passed.
The Soil Erosion Service was moved to the Department of Agriculture.
The United States Fish and Wildlife Service of the Department of Interior was established.