20ός αιώνας: Η ιστορίας μας

By pkotsid
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    Βαλκανικοί πόλεμοι

    The Macedonian Struggle was the Greek armed counter-attack at the beginning of the 20th century that lasted about 4 years (1904-1908) and was conducted in Macedonia against mainly the Bulgarian comitadians.
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    Βαλκανικοί πόλεμοι

    The Balkan Wars (Turkish: Balkan Savaşları, literally "the Balkan Wars" or Balkan Faciası, meaning "the Balkan Tragedy") consisted of two conflicts that took place in the Balkan Peninsula in 1912 and 1913. Four Balkan states defeated the Ottoman Empire in the first war; one of the four, Bulgaria, suffered defeat in the second war. The Ottoman Empire lost the bulk of its territory in Europe. The Balkan Wars widened the borders of Greece as Macedonia, Epirus and Crete were annexed
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    Η Ελλάδα στον Α' Παγκόσμιο πόλεμο

    In 1914 began in Europe World War I. Greece, after having led to discord due to the conflict between Prime Minister Venizelos and King Constantine, finally entered the war in mid-1917, adjacent to the Entente (England, France, Russia). The end of the year saw the country on the side of the winners, earning significant territory in Thrace and Asia Minor from the defeated Turkey and Bulgaria.
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    Ελληνο-τουρκικός πόλεμος

    The dream of liberating the unrepentant brothers of the region seemed to be taking place for a moment. But soon the hopes were dashed. At the end of August 1922 the Turkish troops finally defeated the Greek army. Refugee, poverty and a Greece crushed by the continuous wars and the end of the "Great Idea".
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    During the Interwar period political instability prevails. Poverty and unemployment cause unrest, protests and strikes. Dictatorial regimes exploit the situation and fascism prevails. Dictatorship of Metaxas and the return of King George.
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    Β Παγκόσμιος Πόλεμος

    The Second World War finds Greece unprepared, but refuses to surrender to the invaders. Difficult years of occupation. Hunger and misery. National resistance - Gorgopotamos - Battle of Crete.
  • Η Μάχη της Κρήτης

    For the first time in the world military history, the German staff decided to conduct the operation by air with the use of paratroopers on a large scale. The Battle of Crete was also called the "Cemetery of German Paratroopers" because of their great losses, which forced Hitler to order the termination of any air-trafficking operations in the future.
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    Εμφίλιος Πόλεμος

    The contradictions in Greece's history continue. The glorious pages of the National Resistance follow the Blacks of the Warfare of War. The mixing of the foreign powers, the former allies, complicates things and makes more evil in the country, which is morally and materially pillaged. The wounds that have been opened will be time to close.
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    Political instability results in the overthrow of democracy in the "Junta of the Colonels". The House, the parties are abolished, thousands of citizens are tortured and driven to exile. The most rebellious act was the insurgency of the students with the epistle written on November 17, 1973.
  • Η Ελλάδα στην ΕΟΚ