Republica 2

2º Spanish Republic

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    Second Spanish Republic

    The Spanish Republic, commonly known as the Second Spanish Republic, was the form of government that existed in Spain from 1931 to 1939. The Republic was proclaimed on 14 April 1931, after the deposition of Alfonso XIII, and it lost the Spanish Civil War on 1 April 1939 to the rebel faction that would establish a military dictatorship under the rule of Francisco Franco.
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    Provisional Government

    The Provisional Government of the Second Spanish Republic was the government that held political power in Spain from the fall of the Monarchy of Alfonso XIII and the proclamation of the Republic on April 14, 1931 until the adoption of the Constitution of 1931 on December 9 and the formation of the first ordinary government on December 15.
  • Constitution

    The Spanish Constitution of 1931 was approved by the Constituent Courts, following the Spanish general elections of 1931 that followed the proclamation of the Second Republic, and was in force until the end of the civil war in 1939. The political process of the Transition allowed the development of a new democratic Magna Charter, promulgated the following year. The 1931 constitution was organized into 10 titles, with 125 articles in total, and two transitional provisions.
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    Reformist biennium

    It began on December 15, 1931—the date of the formation of The Second Government of Azaña, after rejecting the Radical Republican Party's involvement in it because it disagrees with the continuity of the Socialists – and which ended in September 1933. During this time, "the time of the left" deepened and radicalized the reforms initiated during the constituent period (April-December 1931).
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    "Black" biennium (called black by some leftists)

    The second biennium of the Second Spanish Republic, also called the rectifying biennium, conservative biennium or counter-re-reformationist biennium, constitutes the period of the Second Republic between the November 1933 general elections and those of February 1936 during which the republican center-right parties led by the Radical Republican Party of Alejandro Lerroux, allied with the Catholic right of CEDA and the Agrarian Party, ruled , first from parliament and then in government.
  • Revolution of October 1934

    Revolution of October 1934
    The Revolution of 1934 a revolutionary strike movement that occurred between 5 and 19 October 1934 during the Second Biennial of the Second Spanish Republic of the Second Republic. This movement was encouraged from wide sectors and by important leaders of the PSOE and UGT, such as Largo Caballero or Indalecio Prieto and unequally by the National Labour Confederation (CNT), the Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI) and the Communist Party of Spain (PCE).
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    Popular Front

    The Popular Front was a Spanish electoral coalition created in January 1936 by the main left-wing parties. On 16 February, he won the last elections during the Second Republic before the coup d'ét that would trigger the Civil War. The Popular Front did not appear in Catalonia, where an equivalent coalition called Front d'Esquerres, nucleated around Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, took its place. In Valencia it also took the name Front d'Esquerres.
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    Civil War

    The Second Spanish Republic at war is the history of the Second Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939. It was a reaction to the deaths of both sides that were occurring, the hatred that was increasing exploded in the form of civil war. As well as in response to the murders of priests, nuns and burning churches among other forms of violence against the Catholic religion.