Republica española

2ª Spanish Republic

  • January 1930

    José Antonio Primo de Rivera presents his resignation to Alfonso XIII after running out of political or social supports.
  • Transition "Dictablanda"

    The general Berenguer thinks about which side should he choose, the dictatorship or the restoration of the constitution of 1986
  • 13 of february of 1931

    Alfonso XIII appoints as the new president of the government another military, the "Almirante Aznar" who convoced municipal elections for April 12
  • Municipal elections April 12

    The elections are municipal but everyone understands them to be a referendum on the monarchy.
    The "Conservadores" were supporters of the Monarchy but the progressive people wanted the 2ª Republic.
  • "Rumor of the King"

    The night of April 13, a rumor about the King left the country was thought, and lot of people went to the streets to celebrate it, but it was not true, the King Alfonso XIII was in Madrid yet and ordered the army to dissolve the walk out but they disobeyed him, so Alfonso XIII, scared, left the country.
  • General Elections of 1931

    The 28 of june 1931, PSOE won the general elections with a center party called "Partido Radical". And after 2 years the "Bienio Reformista" starts.
  • Bienio Reformista

    During the Bienio Reformista, the constitution of 1931 borns. A new modern constitution that recognised right such as "La libertad de circulación" "La Libertad de expresión" "Derecho de reunión y manifestación" "Libertad de asociaciones y reuniones" "Limitación de jurisdicción militar" "Sufragio universal" "Confesionalidad del estado" (Libertad de culto).
  • The black biennium

    Elections were held in November 1933
    This was the first time the women were call to vote too, it was a very difficult time, the left wing parties were divided, the anarchists did not want some people to vote and the right wing Catholic parties did a "coalición" and were all united under the CEDA.
    The CEDA and the PRR won the elections and Lerroux was in charge of forming the government.
    Later, the anarchist communist and nationalist did a Revolution organisation.
  • The popular Front

    The left wing parties were united again and new elections were called. The left wing parties were made up of communism republicans and socialist, they defended the right to amnesty for the political prisoners held since the Revolution and pushed the social reforms begun in 1931
  • The start of the civil war

    In the parliament, everyone was very tense and nervous but it was even worst in the streets, people was acting with violence with their political adverse
    The revel coup was supported by a number of conservative groups, including the Carlists and the Fascist Falange.
    17 July revels soldiers of Spain seized control of Ceuta Melilla and Tetuán, In a few days, THE CIVIL WAR STARTED