61 years old
When John Adams was born
John Adams wife
If you were wondering who was John Adams wife well here you have it
John Adams wife was Abigail Adams -
When John adams defended the british soilders.
Deciration wins the independence
The second president
Wen John Adams became president
John Adams became prsident when he was 61 years old. he started being president on March 4, 1797. He was in office for about 4 years. -
John Adams vice prsident.
Well if you were wondering whos was John Adms vice prsident well his vice prsident was Thomas Jefferson. -
Took the oath of office in the packed house
He calles he first...
If you were wondering what he called, well heres your answer .
John Adams called the first special congresss to debate the mounting
crisis in french-americans relations. -
The threat of war with France years.
The day of John Adams death
federilast perty