Vietnam conflict
France is the conquoring nation in Europe, Hochi minh wants freedom from France after they aquired Vietman after WW2. But France does not want to fight for vietnam due to damages from WW2. vietnam splits in two, but both sides want communism. Both sides still divided today. -
Chinese Civil War
After WW2 north China became communist with the leader Mao Zewdong. Mao led a program called the great leap forward. He urged poeple to make a superhuman effort to increase farm and idustrial effort. When the great leap forward didnt work he led another program called Cultral Revolution, this plan was to purge China of "bourgeois" tendicies. -
Period: to
Nucular arms race
As the U.S. started developing bombs, and testing them the USSR followed in our lead. This continued until it waa a race to have more, and bigger nucular arms. -
NATO pact
NATO stands for North atlantic Treaty Orginization. The nations involved were the U.S., Canada, and most of the western European Nations. The pact stated that if any of the nations in the pact were attacked the other nations would support them -
Korean conflict
Like berlin koriea was divided by communism. the north was communists, and the south was a dictatorial. North korea attacked south korea in june of 1950.The U.N. steps in and cuts all ways of trasportaion to get supplies to north korea. china sends troops over to north korea and pushes south korea back. the war ended in a stalemate in 1953. south korea and north korea were diveded by the 38 parallel. -
Vietnam conflict 2
the U.S. butts in to ashure that Vietnam dosnt turn into a communist country. We were afraid of the domino effect, If this country becomes comminst it would set off a chain reaction and others would follow. The U.S. was fighting the North and the south, After 20 years of fighting we relize there not going to give in they would rather all die than not be communist so we leave Vietnam in 1975. -
The Warsaw pact
The Warsaw pact was formed to improve military coordination of the communist countries of Europe. the Soviets sominated the orginization and kept large number of there troops in the other nations. Some of the nations in the warsaw pact was hungry, Poland, Romania and the Soviet Union. -
Communist cuba
90 miles off the cost of florda in the 1950's fedel castro lead his guerilla army to victory, trasforming cuba communist. -
Berlin wall
Germany was split in two, the east was communist, and the west was democratic. poeple from the communist side started migrating over to the democratic side. this made the leaders of east berlin start building a wall to contain there citizens. poeple would do anything to get to the west side. such as, jump out of buildings, run through barb wire, ect. -
Bay of pigs invation
J.F.K sent U.S. trained cuban exiles to cuba. his efforts were shortly stopped, when fidel castros army captured them. We then imposed a trade embargo on cuba. -
Cuban missile crisis
The Soviet Union sent Nucular missils to cuba. J.F.K responded with a naval blockade of cuba, so cuba couldnt aquire any more missiles. We demanded cuba to get rid of the weapons. After some very tense days the Soviet union Took back there nukes. The soviets knew if we went into nucular warfare They would be hurt more than American would. -
Stragic arms limitations
The stragic arms limitaions stated that there would be no more production of anti-balsitic missiles. Anti-Balsistic missiles are missiles fired to destroy bigger missiles. -
detente, or relaxation of rension, durin the 1970's. the Ameriacn strategy under dentent was to restrain the societ union through diplomatic agreement rather than by millitay means. -
Soviets in Afghanistan
The Soviets become involed in a long war in afganastand, an islomic country just south of the Soviet Union. The Soviet tried to controll them but when the warlorsds took arms against the Soviet runned government the Soviet Union sent there troops. Afanastands warriors were called mujahedin, or religouse warriors. Th -
Soviet Union falls
Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in the soviet union. With the Soviet Union in bad shape he was eager to bring reforms. To avoid cold war confrontations he signed arms controll treaty. He supported openess, if you had an idea they should disscuse it openly with the community. The economy cept getting worse and the unemployment rising, the eastern countries started breaking away. -
Eastern European independence
As the Soviet union weakens the eastern European countries demanded freedom This time they get it. Many Eastern countries opposed communist and soviet rule. so countrys like Poland, east Germany, Hungary, and revolt and achive freedom.