2 Hour - Jaydin Bosworth - Country Timeline - Peru

  • May 13, 1532


    Conquistador Francisco Pizarro landed on the northern coast of Peru
  • Nov 16, 1532

    Inca Encounter

    Inca Encounter
    The Battle of Cajamarca where the Spanish took the Inca ruler prisoner which ended the Inca Empire
  • Peruvian War of Independence

    Peruvian War of Independence
    San Martin declared the independence of Peru
  • Peru-Bolivia Confederacy

    Peru-Bolivia Confederacy
    Peru-Bolivia Confederacy established
  • War of the Pacific

    War of the Pacific
    Chile declared war on Peru and Bolivia
  • Elections

    Odria allowed free elections
  • Cenepa War

    Cenepa War
    War broke out
  • Terrorism

    Terrorist group going by the name of Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement help hostage multiple government and military officials and business executives who were all attending a party
  • Earthquake

    A 7.9 earthquake hit Pisco Province
  • Current president

    Current president
    Vice President Martin Vizcarra becomes president after the prior president resigned