Squanto/ Weymouth

  • 1580

    Squanto was Born

    Squanto was Born
    Born in 1580 in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
  • Captured

    Squanto is captured the first time by Captain George Weymouth and brought back to sir Ferdinand Gorges and proof for is "Financial Backers" that indians were there
  • The return

    Squanto returned home with explorer John Smith after learning english under sir Ferdinand Gorges who also hired him as a interpreter/ guide .
  • Seriously Again???

    After arriving home he was once again captured by Explorer Thomas hunt who sold him into slavery.
  • The escape

    Squanto escaped from the slavery and ended up living with monks for several years before returning to Maine in 1619 sadly just to find his entire tribe had been infected and killed by small pox
  • The pilgrims

    In 1621 squanto met the pilgrims and became a intrepeter for them
  • Thanksgiving

    After a succesful crop the pilgims and wampanoags had the first thanksgiving
  • the lost boy

    Squanto helped pilgrims find a lost boy which helped them trust one another more.
  • Death

    Squanto died in 1622 in Chatham Massachusets.