Richard Trevick is the imventor of one of the most important imventions of the 19th century.
The locomotive was used ad an engine for trainsm beguin a fundamental part of their operation. Without the Locomotive their would be not trains, so this invention made our lives much easier in terms os transportation. -
INVENTOR: Nicephore Niepce Photography is used to capture images of exact moments with a machine that has a lens in front of it. This invention made our life easier and thanks to it we were able to capture images of important people, historical moments and these were of great help to solve police cases of the time. -
INVENTOR: Elias Howe The sewing machine is a machine used to sew fabric and other materials whit thread.
This inventions made out lives much easier because beafore it was invented everithing was sewnd by hand, but thank to it also greatly reduced the amount of sewing work in textile companies. -
INVENTOR: Willian Morton ANestesia is a liquid that make you temporality loos sensitivity in the body part inyected, afther its invention was used as a medical element and was very successful. This caused people to go to the dentist whithout fear of beguin hurt if theyr had eny disacourd. -
WIllian Morton invented the Anesteshia its a liquid that makes you temporallity lose sensitivity in the body part injected, afther his invention was used as a medical element an was very sucessfull. This caused people to go to the dentist without fear of begin hurt it they had eny disconfort. -
The inventor was Antonio Merucci. This inventor consisted of a communication device designed to transmith acoustic signals at a distance by means of electrical signals.
This caused people who went from one place to another to carry messagesor news to dissapear, or also dissapeared the animals that carried whiten messages such as carried pigeons, many wealthy people stooped using the thelegraph, there used to be at least one wall thelephone in a common house. -
Ericth Govel invented the incandescent lamp, a device that produces light by healthing a methal filament thought the passage of electric current.
Thanks to this invention the houses, streets among others could have accessto a good lighting systhem because until it was invented only gas or candles were used. In the streets as the ilumination was very bad the rates of criminality like robberies, asaults etc. decreades notoriusly. -
Antonio Meucci invented the Thelephone, a communication device designed to transmit acoust signals at a distance by means of electrical signals.
These caused people who went from one place to another to carry messages or news to desapear, also disappeared the animals that carried witten messages such as carried pigeon, many wealthy peopple stopped using the thelegraph, there used to be at least one wall thelephone in a common house. -
Einrich Gobel invented the incandescent lamp, a device that produces light by heating a metal filament through the passge of electric current.
Thanks to this invention the houses, streets among others could have access toa good ligthingh systhem because until it was invented only gas or candles were used. In the streets as the ilumination was very bad the rates of criminallity like roberries, assaults etc.descreased notoriusly -
Cristhopher Soles invented the Typewriteis a mechanical device whit key, whitch wen pressed print, characters on a document, usually one paper. The typewrite helped us in away that the level of ilitheracy cescreased considerably because afther its creation the newspaper arrived and this also made people to be better informed because there was a means of communication in theyr sosiety. -
Inventor: Jhon Penverton
COca Cola today is used as a soft drink, but it was originally invented as a sponsored as a brain tonic and never stimulator, something like a remmedy for headaches and in general all nervous diseases.
It helped us because coca cola has caffein and keeps us active in situations where you do not have acess to coffe, as was the case for many people before. On the other hand it was a drug that hepled whit nervous deseases. -
The inventor: Karl Benz
This invention consisted of a vehicle (the first) that operated on an internal combustion basis, consisted of theree weels and a gasoline propulsion. This invention helped us a lot whit tranportation, also in the long run people saved a lot of time and money for tranportation. -
Inventor: Clément Ander. Thin invention is a vehicle that can move thougough the air thanks to this engine and wings. Thin invention helped us because it envolved the means of transportation since the airplane was faster than any other transportation, vehicle, it helped people to travel longer distances in a shorter time, this saved us a lot of time and money.