2.5 Changing Timelines

  • 276 BCE

    Ertaosthenes born

  • 195 BCE

    Eratosthenes died

  • 85

    Ptolemy born

  • 165

    Ptolemy died

  • Feb 19, 1473

    Copernicus born

  • 1514

    Copernicus showed Little Clmmentary report to astronomy-minded friends

  • 1532

    Copernicus completed Astronomical Manuscript

  • 1541

    Copernicus published Astronomical Manuscript

  • May 24, 1543

    Copernicus died

  • Feb 15, 1564

    Galileo was born

  • Galileo published “Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems — Ptolemaic and Copernican”

  • Galileo was convicted of heresy for his book

  • Galileo published “Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations Relating to Two New Sciences”

  • Galileo died

  • Newton was born

  • Newton published “Mathematical Peinciples of Natural Philosophy”

  • Newton was made president of the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge

  • Newton published “Opticks”

  • Newton died

  • Darwin was born

  • Darwin went on a voyage on the HMS Beagle and saw lots of evidence for his theory

  • Mendeleev was born

  • Darwin published "On the Origin of Species"

  • One of the first internationl chemistry conferences was held and the measuring system of atomic weight was decided on

  • Mendeleev wrote "Organic Chemistry"

  • Marie Curie was born

  • Mendeleev published the first edition of "Principles of Chemistry" about inorganic chmistry

  • Mendeleev drempt of a table where all of the elements fell into the right spots

  • Julius Lother Meyer published a paper describing an organization the same as Mendeleev's, but Mendeleev's ideas were used

  • Wegener Born

  • Darwin died

  • The noble gases were discovered and put into the table

  • Marie Curie earned a physics degree

  • Helium (the second most abundant gas) was dicovered

  • Marie Curie begins work on radioactivity and solves why uranium gave off a new narrow beam of energy

  • Marie Curie disovered Polonium and Radium

  • Curie disovered beta rays and alpha rays

  • Marie Curie and her husband see radioactive radiation

  • Marie Curie and her husband become sick from the years of radiation exposure

  • Curie recieves her doctorate degree

  • Hess born

  • Mendeleev died

  • Wegener discovered South America fit perfectly against the west coast of Africa

  • Wegener co-wrote "The Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere" textbook

  • Wegener published "The Origin of Continents and Oceans"

  • Crick was born

  • Franklin was born

  • Wegener attended an international conference in new York where others joked and almost insulted his ideas

  • Watson was born

  • Wegener Died

  • Marie Curie died

  • Linus Pauling, a pioneer of X-ray crystallography concluded the general shape of DNA must be a helix

  • Franklin took a very clear X-ray diffraction image of DNA

  • Watson admitted that he and Crick couldn't have found the double helix without Franklin

  • An issue of Nature published Watson and Crick's article "A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid"

  • Franklin died

  • Hess published his theory of seafloor spreading in "History of Ocean Basins"

  • Watson, Wilkins, and Crick received the Nobel Prize in medicine/physiology but Franklin couldn't since she had passed away

  • Geologists realized Earth's magnetic field had reversed polarity many times

  • Hess died

  • Geologists agreed on the term "plate tectonics"

  • Crick died