The Little Entente
A series of treaties between Romania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, which were concluded from 1920 to 1921, and aimed to prevent Austria and Hungary from regaining territory lost after the First World War -
1923 Intervention
After the failure of intervention, France was too weak to act on its own against Germany -
Maginot Line
France built a defensive line of fortress alon the Maginot line between 1929 and 1938 -
Evacuation of the Rhineland
The revision of the Treaty of Versailles has begun and Britain and France evacuated the Rhineland in 1929-30 -
Lausanne Conference
German reparation payments were effectively cancelled at the Lausanne Conference. -
Hitler disregarded Collective Security
Hitler followed a cautious policy by stating that he only wanted peace however he tried to undermine the concept of collective secruity. He made Germany withdraw from multineral commitments that might limit his actions, he isolated France by undermining existing alliances and he negotiated alliances with Britain and Italy simultaneously. -
Disarmament Conference
France was unwilling to disarm with the new threat of Nazism on its Borders, Manchuria were also not conducive to thinking about disarmament and Britian and the other nations decieded that they did not want to give Germany this advantage. Hitler used this as an excuse to pull out of both the Conference and teh League of Nations -
Mussolini and Hitler meet
Mussolini was unimpressed by Hitler and would not agree to Hitler's position on Austria - Anschluss. Mussolini suggested that Austira should become a "Satellite" Italy rejected only because they wanted Austria to function as a buffer state between Italy and Germany.The Austrian Nazi's-strongly on Hitlers side tried to make the reunification with Germany happen. However, because Hitler still needed Mussolini's support against the Western Democracies, he reassured that Mussolini that Austria would -
Non-Agression Pact
would secure the Eastern border for Germany, weakened France's security system in Germany -
Saar is given back to Germany
Saar was under French rule since 1919. Due to a fair vote by the League of Nations (gaining more than 90% of the votes), the Saar was returned back to Germany -
German troops move into the Rhineland
No action was taken against this - neither by the British nor the French. -
Italy agrees to Schuschnigg
Italy agress that Austria becomes a German state -
Spanish Civil War
The Spanish Civil War that began in 1936 was a binding element between Hitler and Mussolini -
Remelitarized the Rhieland -would strengthen Germany. Built Fortifications to prevent an attack by France. -
Rome-Berlin Axis
Secret protocols setting out mutual interests -
Anti-Comintern Pact
Direct against the communist comunity -
Reformation of Power in the German Government
USA and its Isolationist stance
The economic depression meant that the USA was focused on domestic concerns and was unlikely to change its isolationist stance