2.2 Top 10 moments from the 60's

  • First Birth Control Pill

    The FDA approved the first birth control pill to be used by women outside of medical necessity. This signified the first step towards the social movement of women autonomy over their bodies and women’s rights.
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    Bay of Pigs Invasion

    The CIA-backed Cuban exiles launches a failed invasion of Cuba resulting in a humiliating loss for President Kennedy. This episode is significant because it revealed the difficulty fighting the Cold War and brought into question the leadership of President Kennedy.
  • USSR First Hydrogen Bomb

    The USSR tested the world's first hydrogen bomb, 50 megaton bomb that became the biggest explosion in history. This event was significant because it showed the military threat perceived by both nations and the arms race that developed weapons of mass destruction.
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    Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis was important because it signaled the height of tensions during the Cold War. The standoff between the US and the USSR over strategic missile placements threaten both countries and nearly brought destruction to the world. The crisis symbolizes the tangible threat and significance of the Cold War.
  • March on Washington

    The March on Washington and the famous “I have a Dream” speech was a turning point for the Civil Rights Movement. The power of free speech and the unity of all people, both white and black, before the Lincoln Memorial showed the true character of America and the principles the country was built on. The March on Washington helped win over citizens and politicians in the effort to attain equal rights for all.
  • JFK Assassination

    The assassination of JFK marked the end of a charismatic and uniting leader. The American public adored JFK and his leadership and admired his vision for a bold and dominant America in the world community. As the face of the new generation, JFK brought hope and vision to the American people and his assassination brought forth a period of sorrow.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 changed the United States forever. After years of protests and the civil rights movement gaining traction and significance, the dream of equal rights and equal treatment was established and anti-discrimination laws ensure equal treatment for all people.
  • Thurgood Marshall Confirmation

    The confirmation of Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court was significant because he was the first black man to sit on the bench of the court. The passing of the Civil Rights Act and the appointment of Thurgood Marshall is significant because of the social progress it made. The confirmation of Justice Marshall was a huge step towards black representation and equality.
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    Tet Offensive

    The Vietnam War was a proxy war fought under the overarching Cold War. The VietCong launched a massive offensive during the Vietnamese New Year and caught the US and South Vietnamese off guard. Weeks of violent fighting and retaliation was significant to the cost of war and the cost of containing communism. The Tet Offensive was significant as it showed the difficulty and cost of stopping the spread of communism.
  • Moon Landing

    The moon landing was an important part of history because it symbolized and embodied all of human knowledge and ambition that defined the space race. The moon landing was a capstone on the space race and showed the power of human ambition and perseverance.