
  • fort sumter

    commanders the uinion Anderson confedercacy Bearegard
    who won? canfederats
    singificance first attle
  • first bull run

    commanders union Irvin Mcdowell confederacy Joseph E. Johnson
    who won confederatey
    this was the forst out of 2 bull runs
  • shiloh

    commanders union Grant canferdeacy Johnston
    wh won union
    made the north head in progress
  • second bull run

    commanders union John pole conferacy Ronent E. Lee
    who won confederacy
  • antietam

    cammanders union Richardson canfederacy Anderson
    who won union
  • fredericksburg

    cammanders union Ambrose E. Burrside confederacy Robert E, Lee
    who won confedracy
  • chancellorsville

    Cammanders union Joseph Hooker Confderacy Robert E. Lee
    who won candederate
  • vicksburg

    commanders union Grant Cofederate Pemberton
    who won union
  • gettysburg

    Cammanders uion Madeo canfdrates Lee
    who won conderates
  • sherman's march

    cammanders union Sherman corderates Lee
    who won union
  • appomattox

    commanders union Lee confederates Grant
    who won the uion