1st semester timeline project

  • 476

    The middle ages

    The middle ages were a time period when virtually all previous knowledge was lost.Very few people were able to read and write during this time period.
  • 1300

    The renaissance

    The renaissance was a time period that people brought back Hellenistic ideas.The time period was very prosperous with no wars going on at the time.
  • 1492

    Columbus discovers new world

    Christopher Columbus set out to find a new route to Asia but ended up landing on what now is Hispaniola.This marked the first time somebody landed on north america.
  • 1517

    95 thesis

    Martin Luther created the ninety-five thesis to criticize the corrupt catholic church.With the help of the printing press Luther's ideas were very widespread.
  • Creation of the edict of Nantes

    The edict of Nantes was a document that granted protestants the freedom to worship. The document was later revoked.
  • English civil war

    The war broke out over how England's government was run.The two sides were the cavaliers and the round heads. The cavaliers supported king Charles I and the round heads supported parliament.
  • Lois XIV revokes edict of Nantes

    Lois XIV revoked the document that granted protestants the right to publicly worship. The document was meant to protect protestants from prosecution from the state.
  • Glorious revolution

    The glorious revolution was when people tried to overthrow James I.After the revolution William and Mary took over
  • American revolution

    The American revolution was a time period when the colonies tried to gain independence from Great Britain.In the end the revolution was successful and independence was gained.
  • French revolution

    The french revolution was a time when the french monarchy was overthrown and a republic was established. The revolution was also very violent with many executions taking place.
  • Haiti gains independence

    Haiti gained it's independence through a series of slave rebellions.This became the first successful slave rebellion ever.
  • congress of Vienna

    The congress of Vienna was a council called to decide what to do after the Napoleonic and french wars. In the end they left Germany and Italy a patchwork of many different states.
  • The Monroe doctrine

    The Monroe doctrine was a document that stated that the countries of south america were independent.It also stated that European countries could no longer colonize anywhere in the west.
  • Mathew Perry opening Japan to trade

    Japan was virtually isolated form the world until the U.S sent commodore Mathew Perry to negotiate a trade agreement with Japan.The negotiation really just became a threat and Japan agreed to open trade with the U.S.