1st semester event timeline

  • founding of jamestown

    founding of jamestown
    Jamestown was the first permanent english settlement in north america. The settlement of jamestown led to more settlements being made and encouraged people to live in the new colonies to seek better lives for themselves and their families.
  • french and indian war

    french and indian war
    This war occured between the british, and their american colonies vs the french, both sides had native americans fighting for the mas well. This war eventually led to help the start of the american revolution since the tax raises forced onto the colonies were because of this war.
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    The boston tea party occured when the sons of liberty protested to britain by throwing crates of tea from their porting ships into the ocean. This moment fueled the desire to separate from britain.
  • battles of lexington and concord

    battles of lexington and concord
    The battles of lexington and concord were the first conflicts between the british and american citizens. These initial conflicts lead to the mass conflict of the american revolution.
  • signing of the declaration of independence

    signing of the declaration of independence
    The declaration of independence contains the ideals and goals of america which made the document extremely important. The signing of the declaration of independence made the goals within it permanent and the document listed the separation of the american colonies from british rule.
  • battle of saratoga

    battle of saratoga
    This battle was the turning point of the american revolution. This turning point impacted the outcome of the american revolution and America's victory over the british.
  • constitutional convention

    constitutional convention
    The constitutional convention was a meeting between state delegates to decide on future political ideas for the new country. They over time agreed to reject the articles of confederation, and produced the first written constitution for any nation in the worlds history.
  • election of 1800

    election of 1800
    Thomas Jefferson and John Adams ran against each other for the title of president. Jefferson beat Adams and was announced the new president of the united states. This election was the first party switch in american history, since Jefferson was a Democratic Republican and Adams was a Federalist
  • louisiana purchase

    louisiana purchase
    The United states purchased the louisiana territory from france for fifteen million dollars. This purchase doubled the size of the united states.
  • missouri compromise

    missouri compromise
    drew a line from east to west across the nation. Split the nation between slave states and free states. Led to the increasing tension between states involving slavery.
  • trail of tears

    trail of tears
    This event occured when the united states called for removal and relocation for native americans off of their land. This event led to mass casualties and fueled tension between native americans and the u.s government.
  • nullification crisis

    nullification crisis
    The nullification crisis involved the issue of states vs. national powers. Some states believed the had the right to override any national they wanted to, which led to this crisis. This crisis impacted the states political powers.
  • bleeding kansas

    bleeding kansas
    Bleeding kansas was a series of violent civil conflicts in the kansas state region. There was heavy tension in the state regarding whether they should or should not allow slavery which led to violent conflicts. This event caused more and more conflicts involving the issue of slavery.
  • battle of fort sumter

    battle of fort sumter
    This battle occurred when south carolina bombed fort sumter. This battle led to the start of the american civil war.
  • assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    assassination of Abraham Lincoln
    While watching a play Lincoln was assassinated by john wilkes booth. Lincoln was often villainized and targeted for his action before, during, and after the civil war, which led to people trying to get rid of him.