
1st period

  • New Capital

    New Capital
    Mad unpaid soldiers started to storm Philadelphia. Alexander Hamilton then decided to make compromise to representatives in Washington, DC. Since the National Bank was in Philadelphia, he decided to move the capital to Washington, DC. In the new capital came many more elections and the capital is still there to this day.
  • Period: to

    The Underground Railroad of Baltimore

    When The Under ground Railroad was established, many slaves used it as an "escape system". There were only a few steps to follow. Escape from slaveholder, and get on the train without being caught. This system made about 100 slaves move northward. During 1800s and 1850s, the South lost about 100,000 slaves.
  • The Election of 1800

    The Election of 1800
    The candidates in the election of 1800 was Thomas Jefferson and Adam Burr. The House of Representatives had to be the tie breaker. They finally voted on Jefferson to become president. Later the 12th amendment was passed which made president and vice president have different ballots.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts Repealed

    Alien and Sedition Acts Repealed
    In 1798 four laws were passed called the Alien and Sedition acts. These acts restricted foreigners to be US citizens for 14 years instead of five. In 1802 these acts were repealed by the naturalization act. This act made the restriction from 14 years back to five.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Napoleon needed money for his war and he was willing to give up land for the money he needed. Jefferson offered 10 million and agreed. Then he said he wanted 15 million for the middle region. They agreed and more ports opened up for them.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark Expedition
    The Louisiana Territory was purchased but Jefferson wanted to find a new waterway linking the Missouri and Columbia Rivers. He then sent Lewis and Clark on a year long journey. The end result was that the two marked an initial pathway.
  • 12th Amendment

    12th Amendment
    The electors met in their states and voted by ballot. The 12th Amendment states how the president can win the campaign by having the most votes. The Amendment also states that the vice president cannot be from the same state.
  • Hamilton and Burr Conflict

    Hamilton and Burr Conflict
    Hamilton and Burr despised each other and fought often. Their tensions reached a boiling point in 1804. On July 11, 1804 they had a duel which led to Hamilton being shot and killed. Burr was charged with 2 counts of murder.
  • The Embargo Act

    The Embargo Act
    When the British made The Policy of Impressment, Thomas Jefferson was caught and did not know what to do. The British started to take the American soldiers and put them in the British Navy. Jefferson then decided to pressure other foreign governments and stop goods. This plan then backfired on him. Jefferson lost many opportunities for trade.
  • Importation of Slaves Banned by Congress

    Importation of Slaves Banned by Congress
    In 1619 the first trade of slaves was taken place. From then until 1800 there were close to 1 million slaves imported. On January 1st importation of slaves was banned. Later the 13th amendment was passed which abolished all slavery.
  • The Election of 1808

    The Election of 1808
    James Madison and Charles Pinckney both went up for office. When Madison won he had a tough run. Madison was preoccupied with a lot of foreign issues. He seized Florida from Spain, controlled the Gulf Coast, and most importantly mobilized our country's defense. After James Madison's election came a long journey for him and then came the war of 1812.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    American shippers wanted to up the carrying trade with Britain. The British stated that Americans were breaking the rule of 1756, that stated all neutral ships departing from France will be searched by the royal navy. Although the U.S. was not ready fro war, the British blockaded American ports to stop American Trade. The British blockade hurt the New England sea trade, and many New Englanders feared the U.S. would win land in Florida and Canaa. In 1815, the Treaty of Ghent finally ended the war
  • Election of 1812

    Election of 1812
    In the midst of the war, James Madiso was helping America make decisions for our country. So they decided to run an election for James Madison to run for president. The federalists wanted the war to end so there running representiive would b DeWitt Clinton. James Madison won the election by 128 electoral votes to 89 votes.
  • Battle of Thames

    Battle of Thames
    The British forces were under Tecumseh, the Shawnee intertribal leader, and was greatly defeated. British troops were then captured and Tecumseh was killed. This now destroyed Tecumseh's alliance and broke the Indian power.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    American forces under General Andrew Jackson defeated British forces weeks after the Treaty of Ghent was signed. Treaty of Ghent ended the war. Neither of the troops knew about the signing of Ghent and haven't gotten the news by the battle began.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    During the War of 1812, there was much conflict between America and Great Britain about the blockade of treade. This was settled by the treaty of Ghen, two years after. On December, 24, 1814, the Treaty of Ghent came out.
  • Tariff of 1816

    Tariff of 1816
    As the War of 1812 reached America, it forced Americans to face issues with their industries. As the failing issues rose, James Madison proposed a traiff to protect manufactured goods from any foreign competition. As many citizens agreed, it was approved April 27th, 1816. It helped with foreign goods, and the failing industries.
  • Election Of James Monroe

    Election Of James Monroe
    When James Madison decided to run for a second term, James Monroe took his position. Then the federalists had to nominate a representative for the election so they decided Rufus King. James Monroe gained fame during the election by his experience with farminging, but many people wanted the King to win because they thought he was a better suit. Monroe easily won the election 183 electoral votes to 34. Another election came into play and Monroe won and ran for a second term.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    Henry Shreve designed the flat-bottomed steamboat, so it would be safer for people to ship goods. Even this was not perfect. In 1817, people started building the Erie Canl, which let western farmers ship their goods to the port of New York, safely. By 1825, the big job was finished! One newspaper said that U.S. was entering the "era of good feeling", and this was when Monroe was President.
  • U.S Gains Florida From Spain

    U.S Gains Florida From Spain
    Father Hidalgo wanted to make Mexico independent. Even other countries wanted independence from Spain. Mexico finally won independence, but had a hard time setting up a new government. In 1818, Andrew Jacson headed to Florida with over 3000 soldiers. American ended up winning Florida for $5 million. This was noted by the Adams-Onis Treaty.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Missouri first applied for statehood (recognized as independent state) in 1819, and were being considered to frame a constitution. As 1820 reached, many tensions rose for Congress taking long to decide Missouri's statehood. They addressed the problem and decided to compromise on Missouri being a slave state and Main being a free state. Missouri decided they still used and needed slaves.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    The fifth president, James Monroe, wanted to pass the Monroe Doctrine Act in Deccember. This act was going to be passed to prevent the Europeans from gaining back the Latin American colonies' independance. Monroe wanted to defend the new country's independance, so he created this act.
  • The Election of 1824

    The Election of 1824
    The Election of 1824 was between John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, William H. Crawford, and Henry Clay. John Quincy Adams won. He became the sixth president of the United States. His father, John Adams, was the second president.
  • The Death of John Adams & Thomas Jefferson

    The Death of John Adams & Thomas Jefferson
    John Adams, the second U.S. president, and Thomas Jefferson, the third U.S. president both died on July 4th, 1826. This is very ironic because July 4th is America's independance day. John Adams last words were, "At least Jefferson still lives," which are mistaken, because Jefferson died no more than five hours later.
  • Baltimore and ohio railroad

    Baltimore and ohio railroad
    The baltimore railroad was built by Baltimore merchant to beable to hold freights and passengers. The first brick was laid down on july 4th 1828 by Charless Carroll a leader in the Revolutionary War and a singer of the Declaration of independence.
  • The Election of 1828

    The Election of 1828
    The Election of 1828 was between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. This took place from October 31, 1828 to Demcember 2, 1828. The person who one the election was Andrew Jackson.
  • The Spoils System

    The Spoils System
    The Spoils System of 1829, was established by Andrew Jackson. According to google, Spoils System means: the practice of a successful political party giving public office to its supporters. When the Spoils System was established, about 20% of the expiereinced federals were fired and Andrew Jackson's supporters during the election were hired. Andrew Jackson thought the federal officials that were in office were in corrrupt, so he thought that firing them will make the office steady.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    The Spinny Jenny is a machine that has eight wodden spindles on it to help increase the amount to yarn that a person can make per day. In the 1800s cotton was a big deal almost all of their clothes were made out of cotton. In 1830s people were able to make 731,452 of cotton.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    The nullification is a legal theory that any state can deny any law that seems unconstitutional. South Carolina advanced the idea of being able to nullify a law. In 1828 a tariff was passed to taxe imported good. Many people disagreed with the tariff in the, 1830 Andrew Jackson was going to pass another tariff when Calhoun got the idea of nullifaction.
  • Indain Removal Act

    Indain Removal Act
    Many americans wanted to move west but the americans would run in to the indain tribes. The government tried to ask the indains migrate west of the mississippi river with a treaty that offered the indian with supplies and food. Some tribes left peacefully but others had to be taken out by war.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    In 1831 Andrew Jackson passed a new law called the Indian Removal Bill. the president had the power to negotiate removal treaties with Indian tribes living east of the Mississippi. The Indian Removal Bill stated that Indians living east of the Mississippi had to leave there land. Some Indians refused to leave so Jackson forced them out. By 1837 Jackson had forced over 46,000 Indians out of there land
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion
    He had seen the signs from God. The time was close, it was a waiting game now. As he gathered his troops the sun started to eclipse, it had begun. They began the murdering spree in one end of the county and were stopped at the other. As a result of the rebellion at least 200 innocent slaves were killed
  • Whig Party

    Whig Party
    The group was organized by a bunch of anti Jacksonian
    Democrats. They were a semi political party calling Andrew Jackoson, King Andrew. Though they were only around for a brief time the did manage to get support from diverse economic groups, also they won popular vote for their candidates
  • The Reaper

    The Reaper
    Before the invention of The Reaper, people would cut ears of grain using their hands. Mechanical reaping became popular in many countries. This tool began to be used in the U.S. in 1833. Cyrus McCormick said that his reaper was the first reaper. He claimed to have invented it in 1831. If what he says is true, this would mean he also designed the Machine. One of the other first known reapers belonged to Obed Hussey. He got it in 1833, when the idea of mechanical reaping new to America.
  • Texas Revolution

    Texas Revolution
    In 1831 the Mexicans banned Americans from coming into Texas. In 1835 mexican soldiers were sent to Gonzales,Texas to take a cannon that was suppose to scare away Indian attacks. Texans did not let soldiers into there town and fired at them starting the Texas Revolution. 11 battles occured during the Revolution and Texas won a majored of them. In 1836 Texas finally got there independence. After the revoultion they wanted to join the US. They didnt join at first but eventually did.
  • The Alamo

    The Alamo
    The Alamo is a building in Texas where the Battle of the Alamo occured. The Battle of the Alamo occured during the Texas Revolution. There were many people inside the Alamo, and many Mexican soldiers surrounded it. After the battle occured, the Alamo fell and Texas declared independance.
  • Martin Van Buren's Election

    Martin Van Buren's Election
    Martin Van Buren was nicknamed Martin Van "Ruin" because of his bad 4 years as a president. He was the eighth president, and the first not born from a British family. He worked with Andrew Jackson, and when Jackson was elected president, Buren was elected Secratery of State. He was elected in 1837, and he promised to be like Andrew Jackson. The worst depression yet, Panic of 1837, occured while he was president. He lost the 1840 election, when he ran from a second term.
  • Panic of 1837

    Panic of 1837
    Many people blamed Andrew Jackson's economic policies for the biggest depression in America (up to 1837). There were banks closing, and unexmployment increased a lot. Many companies failed, and this depression lasted 5 years.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    After passing the Indian Removal Act, Native Americans were forced to uproot their life, and move to the current Oklahoma, where they were promised their own land, and they were promised it wouldn't shrink. However, Americans kept moving westward, and in 1907, Oklahoma became a state and the Indian Territory was gone. 4000 out of 15000 Native Americans died.
  • La Amistad

    La Amistad
    In January of 1839, 53 Africans were kidnapped from eastern Africa. They were shackled and loaded onto a cargo ship. Three days into the journey one African broke out of his shackles and realeased everyone on the ship. After they broke out they revolted and killed everyone on the ship. During the day they turned the ship to go back to Africa. At night two Africans turned the ship to go back to Cuba. There Journey continued for 63 days. When they finally grounded they were in NY.
  • Presidential Election of 1841

    Presidential Election of 1841
    William Henry Harrison and John Tyler were elected President and Vice President. Massachusetts passes a law forbidding state officials from catching fugitive slave. Harrison died in office and John Tyler became president.
  • Dawsons Massacre

    Dawsons Massacre
    In september Mexican troops stormed Texas killing and captuing many. 1000 vs. 52 Texans. The Texans won with 36 dead and 15 held pridoner.
  • Oregon trail

    Oregon trail
    United States moved from the eastern half of the continent to the west coast. hundereds of thousands of people left the east coast because they wanted there own space, most people left there belongings behind. Most people died from cholera disease traveling. Everyone settled in different locations.
  • Sojourner Truth

    Sojourner Truth
    Sojourner Truth was a civil rights women activists, she and other african-americans were under Dutch control. She fell in love with a fellow slave named Robert from a the same camp. Sojourner ran away from the camp, leaving her children and husband. She died in the battle of creek, Michigan. Her real name is Isabella Baumfree.
  • Presidnetial Election of 1844

    Presidnetial Election of 1844
    James Polk and George Dallas were in the elections for president and vice president. James Polk was a democrat who was relatively unknown outside of political circles. George Dallas was an assistance to the presidential election campaign.
  • States added to Union

    States added to Union
    After the Mexican American war the americans got tons of land. This land eventually turned into states in !845 Florida became a state during President Polks Presidency. Also around this time Texas Iowa Wisconsin and California were added. This land was al gained from the war.
  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War
    The Mexican American war was a war over land. Alot of Americans believed in the "Manifest Destiny." When James Polk was elected President the "Manifest Destiny was in full motion. The Americans had many battles with the Mexicans and most of the time they olbliterated them. This war ended with a treaty and the Americans gained alot of land witch would soon become states.
  • California Goldrush

    California Goldrush
    The California goldrush was a time were California was filled with hundreds of thousands of men looking for gold. The first sign of gold drew people far and near to this valable resource. People mined all of the western region of the United States. Including San Fransico through Sacramento, Neavada. By 1852 people mined 2 billion dollars of gold in the San Fransico area.
  • Presidential Election of 1848

    Presidential Election of 1848
    Zachary Taylor (Whig party) was elected president, winning with 163 Electorial votes. He had 47.3% of the total votes. He was running up against Lewis Cass (democratic party) and Martib Van Buen (Free Soil party). Zachary had no formal education and had very poor grammer.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The compromise of 1850 allows residents of New Mexico and Utah to permit to ban slavery. It admits California as a free state and it ends up prohibiting the slave trade.
  • Frederick Douglous

    Frederick Douglous
    Mufasa version"What to a Slave is the 4rth of July" Frederick was born into slavery and lived with his grandmother. His master taught him how to read and write. He then ran away and became a famous abolitionist. He wrote an autobiography and taught other runaway slaves how to read and write. He gave many anti-slavery speeches his most famous being "What to a Slave is the 4rth of July."
  • Other Elections

    Other Elections
    Franklin Pierce VidBefore Abraham Lincoln became president as a Republican, two Democratic Presidents ran the United States. From 1852 to 1861 the country's leaders were James Buchanan from 1857-1861 and Franklin Pierce from 1853-1857. Both Presidents are not well know compared to the famous 16th President, but still made history during their terms in office. Pierce beating the Whig Party badly, the party collapsed, becoming the last election for the Whigs. Buchanan is still the only Pennsylvanian President.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Bleeding Kansas was caused by the passing of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Bleeding Kansas was a period of open revolt amongst Kansasites that split the Whig party in two, they split into the Democratic and Republican parties. The period was so violent that there were open attacks in the middle of the day. That is how it got the nickname "Bleeding Kansas"
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    History ClipThe Kansas-Nebraska Act was an effort made by Stephan A. Douglas to make the areas of Kansas and Nebraska (especially Nebraska) into states. In order for the act to pass, he had to ignore the Missouri compromise and leave the issue of slavery left to Popular Soveignity. Many Northerners were outraged by this and thought that because the Missouri Compromise was ignored, then the Compromise of 1850 should be ignored also.
  • Know Nothing Party

    Know Nothing Party
    The Know-Nothing Party, also known as the American Party, emerged from secret anti-immigrant societies. They were made up of native americans who grew very hostile toward immigrants, especially the Irish. Thier main objective was to keep immigrants from entering the country and ruining it.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    Dred Scott was a slave who wanted his freedom. Since he had an extended stay in a free state, Illionis, he should be able to sue. He was transfered from court to court and ended up losing. Dred Scott was ruled not a citizen, but property, and was unable to sue.
  • New States to Union

    New States to Union
    With 31 States in the United States, westward expansion started to occur faster than ever. In just 2 years, the United States of America admitted two new states, Minnesota and Oregon. With fertile soil and large woodlands to offer in the western states, immigration started to begin, expanding and growing throughout North America during the 1850s.
  • John Brown

    John Brown
    John Brown's Last SpeechJohn Brown was one of the faces of the Abolitionist movement! During his life John Brown was considered mentally Insane, although anyone who talked to him would beg to differ. He is most noted for his attack on Harper's Ferry. During his life, John Brown met with many famous people such as Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, both of which that that he was mentally sane.
  • Harper's Ferry

    Harper's Ferry
    John Brown thought he could free the slaves and chose Harper's Ferry to start his campaign. John Brown and his twentey-one men captured stategic points and killed many local soldiers. They seized many weapons and headed into the mountains for guerilla warfare. Within thirty-six hours John Brown was captured and his men were killed.
  • Lincoln's Election

    Lincoln's Election
    Becoming the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln faced many challenges during his presidency. Anger rising from slavery, both the northern and southern states were on the verge of the most tragic war in American history. The 16th president worked countless sleepless nights thinking about slavery and the Civil War.