Early Federal Period

  • Hamilton's Economic Plan

    After the Revolution War, the Federal Government and the states were in debt. The United states owned 77 million dollars to the American citizens,France,Spain and the Netherlands.
  • First President

    George Washington was elected President. John Adams was also elected to be his Vice President but he did not run with him, he went against him.
  • Whisky Rebellion

    It was an Excise Tax that was levied on the manufacturer,sale, and distribution of Whiskey. Most of the Mountain farmers detested this tax and about 600 rebelled.
  • Hamilton's plan Economic Recovery

    In order to establish national credit, Hamilton proposed a bold plan. Issued new bonds assume all war debts of states and restore public credit. The states would turn in debt to the National Government.
  • Hamilton's Economic Plan

    They made the first National Bank, issued paper money,handled tax receipts, and other government funds. They Raised Government revenues and made the country self-sufficient. Get the southerner to accept this idea of Tax Whiskey.
  • The War

    Great Britain and France went to war and Washington decided to remain neutral. Democratic Republicans supported France while Federalists supported the British.
  • Alien/ Sedition Acts

    The Alien Act allowed to deport non-US citizens considered dangerous. The Sedition Act permitted imprisonment and fines criticizing government.
  • 12th amendment to the Constitution

    Burr shot and mortally wounded Hamilton. Now because of this the President and Vice president will now run on the same ballot together.
  • Presidential Election

    Each elector would vote for two people. The person with a majority of votes would be president. The person who came in second will be the Vice President.
  • Revolution of 1800

    The votes remained as a tie for 35 consecutive votes until Alexander Hamilton persuaded one elector to side with Jefferson. Burr is angered that he challenge Hamilton to a duel.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Napoleon needed to raise money for war and Jefferson offered to buy the part of the land for 15 billion. He accepted the offer and the United States has more land for farmers.
  • Lewis and Clark

    Lewis and Clark were ordered to go out in the Louisiana purchase and find route form the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean.
  • Embargo

    Was meant to force England and France to respect the US ships though it did not work because trade was more important to the US than European nations.
  • War of 1812

    Britain and France were at war with each other. Britain started to "harass" American ships the reasoning for this is because they believed it was trading items for France. The sailors of the American ships will be taken and forced to fight in the British Army.
  • Burning of Washington

    The British Army came and burnt down the White House and the Capitol, the reason why of this is because the American troops attacked Canada and burned down the government buildings.