1st Amendment Project Plan

  • July 4th, 1776

    July 4th, 1776
    This was the day America declared free and gained independence from Britain.
  • Sedition Act Expires

    Sedition Act Expires
    The sedition act made it so that if people said or wrote something bad about the government, they would be punished. when this ended,everyone who was convicted was free.
  • Reynolds v. United States

    Reynolds v. United States
    This case was about Reynolds missing his duty because of religious reasons. the case ruled that it is illegal to punish based off of a religious duty.
  • Patterson v. Colorado

    This case was set on deciding whether is it illegal to criticize the government. In this ruling they declared it legal to speak freely.
  • Gitlow vs. New York

    Gitlow vs. New York
    This was the first case to actually promote the 1st amendment, and made sure all cases in all states had this ruling for further cases.
  • Near vs Minnesota

    Near vs Minnesota
    In this case it made it illegal to take down any type of speech or press in newspaper even if it has inappropriate language, or things about the government.
  • Everson vs. Board of Education

    Everson vs. Board of Education
    This established the difference between separating religion and government. this gave the 1st amendment the right of free religion.
  • Bethel School District vs. Fraser

    Bethel School District vs. Fraser
    In this case, a high school boy created a speech about how bad the student council president was using vulgar and exploit language. The case ruled that is was illegal to discipline him because of a speech.
  • Tinker vs. Des Moines

    Tinker vs. Des Moines
    Kids in school were wearing black arm bands to protest the war in Vietnam. The case ruled that it was illegal to suspend them because of the arm bands and allowed to keep them as long as they didn't distract other students.
  • New York Times vs. United States

    New York Times vs. United States
    In this case, the united states took down a newspaper because they did not like a couple articles in the newspaper. They took this to the supreme court and won. this restricted their right of free speech and press.
  • Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier

    Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier
    The principle at Hazelwood high school took down two articles in the student newspaper because he thought they were not appropriate. this case was said to be illegal because it took away the right of free speech and press.
  • Morse v. Frederick

    Morse v. Frederick
    In this case it involved a student giving a speech about promoting a drug use banner during school. in this case the school was in the right to suspend him because it has drug policies and other rules for a public schools.