
1st Amendment

By jis4388
  • 1776 The Declaration of independence

    1776 The Declaration of independence
    Congress approved the Declaration of Independence.
  • 1925 Gitlow v. New York

    1925 Gitlow v. New York
    Gitlow was convicted for writing and distributing "The Left Wing Manifesto" the court rules that the freedom of speech clause applies to this court hearing.
  • 1963 Sherbert v. Verner

    1963 Sherbert v. Verner
    Adele Sherbert was denied unemployment-compensation because she refused to work on Saturday's.The Supreme court ruled that this violated the free exrcise.
  • 1968 Epperson V. Arkansas

    1968 Epperson V. Arkansas
    prohibit public schools teachers from teaching the theory evolution.
  • 1968 Tinker vs Des Moines

    1968 Tinker vs Des Moines
    kids protested about the vietnam war. They were order to stop but remain constant and was sent to court for it this violated their freedom of speech
  • 1982 New York vs. Ferber

    Child pornography is prohibited from the first amendment.
  • 1985 Wallace vs.Jaffree

    1985 Wallace vs.Jaffree
    Alabama Law authorize 1 minute prayer at school .Supreme court ruled that this was an act to endorse religion.
  • 1989 Texas v. Johnson

    1989 Texas v. Johnson
    The supreme court states that the American flag is protected from freedom of speech
  • 1992 Lee vs.Weisman

    1992 Lee vs.Weisman
    Religious invocation at public middle and high school ceremony.
  • 1993 The Religious freedom Restoration act

    1993 The Religious freedom Restoration act
    The protection of religious interest
  • 2003 United states vs. American Library Assoication

    2003 United states vs. American Library Assoication
    Law requires filters on computers to receive federal funding.
  • 2011 Brown Vs.Entertainment

    2011 Brown Vs.Entertainment
    The Supreme Court felt as though video were freedom of speech, California law would not sell violent games.