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1st Amendment

  • the constitution

    The U.S constitution was signed by founding fathers, Establishing the basis for America's law system. this is where the amendments originated
  • The end of the the Sedition Act of 1798

    The end of the the Sedition Act of 1798
    Thomas Jefferson relieved all people who were effected by the act but convicted all who wrote hate speech against the government. he did this to promote state power and not a monarchical government
  • Schenck v. United States

    Schenck v. United States
    This case involved a man shouting fire in a theater the court deemed this wrong and a violation of freedom of speech because he was protesting WW1, stating the war was benefiting the rich and killing the poor
  • Whitney v. California

    Whitney v. California
    Anita Whitney did not claim the first amendment when she was accused for helping forming the communist labor party. She was guilty and it was a unanimous desiccation from the supreme court but she could have possibly gotten away with it due to freedom of speech
  • Near v. Minnesota

    Near v. Minnesota
    this case was involving the press and giving the newspaper more freedom but will be punished for unreasonable content unless they can prove a just cause. the case was created because of Anti-government articles in the paper that suggested hostile action
  • Stone v. Graham

    Stone v. Graham
    this court case was involving a statue with the the commandments in a public place in Kentucky. it was deemed unconstitutional because it had negative religious undertones
  • Wallace v. Jaffree

    Wallace v. Jaffree
    It was a court case disusing the issue of silent prayer in school it was decided unconstitutional to prevent people from doing it. a statue in Alabama stated a minute a day would be dedicated to prayer. a parent fought to change this. the statue was taken down but kids could still pray in school.
  • Smith v. Board of School Commissioners of Mobile

    Smith v. Board of School Commissioners of Mobile
    this was a case to remove 44 text books from elementary schools. the books were deemed accessible as long as the school could justify them. it was decided the use of the textbooks neither unconstitutionally advanced a non-theistic religion nor inhibited theistic religions.
  • Town of Greece v. Galloway

    Town of Greece v. Galloway
    Susan Galloway and Linda Stephens believed that prayer was a violation of Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. the supreme court deemed prayer accepted by the constitution. Prayer can be done in public places as long is it is not effecting anyone negatively.
  • Matal v. Tam

    Matal v. Tam
    It was augured that national symbols with the United States Patent and Trademark Office violated the First Amendment. involved with the Lanham act. it was deiced to be unconstitutional. this has to do with immigrants feeling restricted in practicing their religions and customs.