1st Amendment Court Cases

  • Near vs. Minnesota

    Near vs. Minnesota
    A newspaper,Saturday Press,based in Minnesota,published an article claiming that local officials were affiliated w/ gangsters. Minnesota wanted to permanently injunct the paper bc is went against the Public Nuisance Law,which prohibited regularly publishing malicious,scandalous,or defamatory articles. The court ruled that it goes against the right to freedom of speech to not allow a newspaper to publish something,even if it violates something,the article has to be allowed to be published first.
  • Abington School District v. Schempp

    Abington School District v. Schempp
    In Pennsylvania,the law required public schools to read the bible at the start of each school day.One boy at Abington Township wasnt christian & his family didnt believe/worship God/bible,& his father was upset that they were only acknowledging 1 religion during prayer,& that the school made the boy listen & sometimes read verses.The statute allowed anyone to excuse themselves if they didnt want to participate in prayer,but the court still ruled that the statute violated the 1st amendment.
  • United States vs. O'Brien

    United States vs. O'Brien
    At a Boston courthouse, a man named David O'Brien burned his draft card. He said he was expressing his opposition to war. The court ruled that burning a draft card was not violating the first amendments guarantee of free speech.
  • Wisconsin vs Yoder

    Wisconsin vs Yoder
    Jonas Yoder, Wallace Miller, and Adin Yutzy were prosecuted under the Wisconsin law saying that kids had to attend public school until they were 16. These three men refused to send their children to school after 8th grade because they said attending high school was not apart of their beliefs. The court ruled that religious beliefs out way the laws for attending school.
  • Buckley vs. Valeo

    Buckley vs. Valeo
    Buckley wanted to limit campaign contributions and only allow a certain amount for candidates to use, but the court ruled that spending money to influence election outcomes is a form of constitutionally protected freedom of speech
  • Texas vs. Johnson

    Texas vs. Johnson
    Gregory Johnson burned an american flag in front of the Dallas City Hall, to protest against Ronald Reagan's administrative policies. He was fined $2000 and sent to jail for 1 yr. This case went to the Supreme Court and was ruled that Johnson has the right to do that under the 1st Amendment for expressive conduct.
  • Santa Fe ISD vs. Doe

    Santa Fe ISD vs. Doe
    Santa Fe High School elected a student council chaplin to deliver a prayer before each home varsity football game. One Mormon and one Catholic family filed a lawsuit challenging it under the first amendment. The court ruled the district was not allowed to opening pray due to the law against prayers in government facilities and schools.