1st Amendment

By dylhunn
  • Davis V. Beason

    Davis V. Beason
    Davis wanted to engage in polygamy but was being stopped by the state. He brought it before the Supreme Court where it was said that laws on polygamy did not violate the first amendment.
  • Chaplinsky V. New Hampshire

    Chaplinsky V. New Hampshire
    Chaplinsky attacked a police man verbally and was arrested. He said the law forbidding this was against his first amendment rights, but the Supreme Court upheld his arrest.
  • Minersville School District V. Gobitis

    Minersville School District V. Gobitis
    The Gobitis children refused to salute the flag and say the pledge. They were expelled as a result. The Supreme Court ruled that the mandatory salutes were consitutional.
  • Roth V. United States

    Roth V. United States
    Roth had sent pornography advertisements in the mail and was convicted. The Supreme Court said that obscenity was not protected under the First Amendment.
  • United States V. O'Brien

    United States V. O'Brien
    O'Brien burned his draft card in front of a courthouse in protests and was arrested. He appealed to the Supreme Court that this infringed upon his first amendment rights. The Court said he frustrated government interest and kept him in jail.
  • Pickering V. Board of Education

    Pickering V. Board of Education
    A teacher was dismissed by the Board for speaking out against out a proposed bond. The Supreme Court ruled that this violated his first amendment rights.
  • Brandenburg V. Ohio

    Brandenburg V. Ohio
    Brandenburg was a member of the KKK who had made a speech regarding his views in public. He was fined and arrested, and then sought to appeal the decision. The court reversed the decision, saying that he couldn't be punished for not causing any harm.
  • First National Bank of Boston V. Bellotti

    First National Bank of Boston V. Bellotti
    The Bank, along with a couple other corporations wished to show their opposition to a new income tax being put forth by contributing money. The attorney general of the Massachusetts said he would not allow this. It was brought before the Supreme Court, where it was decided that the Bank should be allowed to do this under the 1st Amendment. They argued that if it was a single person doing, then it would be accepted.
  • Island Trees School District V. Pico

    Island Trees School District V. Pico
    Parents submitted a recommendation of 9 books to be banned at this school. It was decided that 5 were to be returned but the Board only returned 2. Students brought it to court and the Court of Appeals said that it was the School Board's decision.
  • United States V. Alvarez

    United States V. Alvarez
    Alvarez states that the Stolen Valor Act, which made it illegal to falsely say you won a military medal. The law was struck down by the Supreme Court based on the principle of free speech, although Alvarez remained in jail based on other fraud charges.