
19th Century United States

  • Election of 1800.

    Election of 1800.
    In the election of 1800, Thomas Jefferson won the presidency.
  • Louisiana Purchase. 1803

    In 1803 Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana territory from the French.
  • Election of 1808.

    Election of 1808.
    In the election of 1808, James Madison won the presidency.
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

  • Power Loom. 1814

    In 1814 Francis Cabot Lowell created the first power loom in America.
  • Election of 1816.

    Election of 1816.
    In the election of 1816, James Monroe won the presidency.
  • Election of 1824.

    Election of 1824.
    In the election of 1824, John Quincy Adams won the presidency.
  • Erie Canal. 1825

    In 1825 the Erie Canal in New York was built.
  • Election of 1828.

    Election of 1828.
    In the election of 1828, Andrew Jackson won the presidency.
  • Trail of Tears. 1831

    In 1831 the Trail of Tears, a time when Native Indians were pushed west, began.
  • Mechanical Reaper. 1831

    In 1831 Cyrus McCormick invented the mechanical reaper.
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion. 1831

    In 1831 Nat Turner led the most well-known slave rebellion.
  • Election of 1836.

    Election of 1836.
    In the election of 1836, Martin Van Buren won the presidency.
  • Steel Plow. 1837

    In 1837 John Deere invented the first steel plow.
  • Election of 1840.

    Election of 1840.
    In the election of 1840, William Henry Harrison won the election, however, he died only a month after assuming the presidency.
  • John Tyler.

    In 1841 John Tyler assumed the presidency.
  • Election of 1844.

    Election of 1844.
    In the election of 1844, James Polk won the presidency.
  • Gold discovered. 1848

    In 1848 gold was discovered in California.
  • Election of 1848.

    Election of 1848.
    In the election of 1848, Zachary Taylor won the presidency.
  • Compromise of 1850.

    The Compromise of 1850 included five laws: the Fugitive Slave Act, the admission of California as a free state, the resolution of the boundary conflict, the abolition of the slave trade in D.C., and the organization of the lands gained from Mexico.
  • Millard Fillmore.

    Millard Fillmore.
    In 1850 Millard Fillmore assumed the presidency.
  • Election of 1852.

    In the election of 1852, Franklin Pierce won the presidency.
  • Election of 1856.

    Election of 1856.
    In the election of 1856, James Buchanan won the presidency.
  • John Brown's Raid. 1859

    In 1859 John Brown charged towards Harper's Ferry hoping local slaves would join him.
  • Election of 1860.

    Election of 1860.
    In the election of 1860, Abraham Lincoln won the presidency.
  • Succession from the Union. 1860-1861

    Following Abraham Lincoln's election, most southern states succeeded from the Union.
  • Period: to

    American Civil War. 1860-1865

  • Battle of Shiloh. 1862

  • Battle of Antietam. 1862

  • Battle of Fredericksburg. 1862

  • Battle of Gettysburg. 1863

  • Battle of Chancellorsville. 1863

  • Battle of Vicksburg. 1863

  • Battle of Chattanooga. 1863

  • Battle of Atlanta. 1864

  • Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse. 1864

  • Andrew Johnson.

    Andrew Johnson.
    In 1865 Andrew Johnson assumed the presidency.
  • Confederate's surrender. 1865

  • Election of 1868.

    Election of 1868.
    In the election of 1868, Ulysses S. Grant won the presidency.