
19th century Spain

  • The absolutist phase ( 1814-1820)

    Spain returned to absolutism after reclaiming the throne with the support of absolutists, Ferdinand VII repealed the Constitution of 1812 and the reforms proposed by the Cádix Cortes.
    Liberals that had hoped for a constitutional monarchy were persecuted. That's why they organised pronunciamentos (uprising), demanding the reinstatements of the Constitution, they were not succesful.
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    The reign of Ferdinand VII

  • The liberal phase ( 1820-1823)

    In 1820 a "pronunciamiento" led by Colonel Rafael del Riego was successful, the king was forced to reinstate the constitution of 1812. To defend the Constitution and oppose absolutism, the National Militia, was made up of armed liberal volunteers.
  • The omnious decade ( 1823-1833)

    The return to absolutism during the last ten years of Ferdinand' VII's reign anulled all the legislation of the liberal Triennium. However, the political and economic problems in Spain led to the final crisis of the absolute monarchy. The war against the French had made Spain bankrupt, and the independence of the colonies in the Americas, caused a major loss of revenue, which meant that the privileged classes would have to pay taxes to overcome the crisis.
  • 1st Carlist war ( 1833-1839)

    It began in the Basque Country and, despite having experienced commanders like Zumalacárregui, the Carlists were defeated by the Liberal army of General Espartero. Despite their defeat, the Carlists continued to exist as defenders of tradition, with significant popular support and their own line of succession.
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    The Regency of Maria Cristina

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    The Regency of Espartero

    In 1837, moderate liberals with increasingly conservative policies took control of the government. Espartero's authoritarian ideas and his introduction of free trade measures that were damaging to the emerging Spanish industry created strong opposition.
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    The reign of Isabel II

  • 2nd Carlist war ( 1846-1849)

    It began during the six years of democracy when the Spanish throne became vacant after the exile of Isabella II. The Carlists rebelled in many territories and even formed a parallel government in Estella until their final defeat.
  • Alternation of power between moderates and progressists ( 1854-1856)

    In 1854, the Vicálvaro "pronunciamiento", led by General O'Donnell, brought the progressive liberals to power. Isabella II was pressured to give power to the progressives, who turned to Espartero's leadership again. The confiscation of municipal commons and municipalities
  • Provisional government ( 1860-1870)

    It was formed to establish a democratic political system. The Constitution established national sovereignity and universal male suffrage, recognised the individual's rights and decreed the separation of church and state. The Constitution also established a parliamentary monarchy, for which they had to choose a new king.
  • Glorious revolution

    It was an insurrection to overthrow Isabella II and establish a democratic political system, however, the governments that emerged from the revolution, could not establish a democratic system.
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    Six years of Democracy

    During the six years of democracy, several different political solutions were tried out, and all faced numerous problems.
  • Amadeo I of Savoy ( 1871-1873)

    He was from a liberal monarchy, which had contributed the unification of Italy, he was chosen to take the throne. He was supported by progressives, unionists and democrats, and the government introduced new measures to help the economic recovery and Spain's democratisation process.
  • The First Republic ( 1873-1874)

    The 1873 elections were won by the federal republicans. The Cortes drafted a federal constitution that divided the legislative powers between the central government and the federal republics, but this never took effect.