The absolutist phase
Period: to
Reign of Ferdinand VII
General Riego Coupe d'Etat
Led to the liberal phase, in which the king had to accept the constitution and the country became a Constitutional Monarchy -
The Ominous decade
The monarch searched help in other absolute monarchs and defeated the liberals., which led to reinstate absolute monarchy during the last 10 years of his reign -
1st Carlist War
The conflict for the inheritage of the corwn gave way to a war between Carlists ( defenders of Carlos V) and Isabelinos ( defenxers of Isabel the II). Carlists were in favour of an absolute monarchy and wnted to return to the Ancien Régime while Isabelinos were liberals, so the war was really an excuse to decide the form of government Spain was goping to have, either an absolute monarchy or a liberal system -
Period: to
The Regence of Maria Cristina
As the king's daughter was unable to reig because of the salic Law, this law was supressed and Isabel II was legitime to inherit the throne. During the years she was under age her mother, Maria Cristina, took control of the country. This generated a conflict as there was a huge group of people who doesn't wanted Isabel and considered Carlos V( brother of Ferdinand the VII) the true inheriter of the crown. -
Period: to
The Regency of Espartero
Moderate liberals took control of the government and Mair Cristina was forced to step down. The control of the country was took by General Espartero, whose radical ideas about free trade caused a huge damage to Spain's industry.His regency was finished when Isabel II ascended to the throne at 13 years old. -
Period: to
Reign of Isabel II
Isabel II shared her power with the moderate liberals during almost all her government. -
Moderate Constitution
A moderate constitution was signed by the new Cortes in which civil freedom and suffrage were very restricted.It also adopted measures for the centralisation of taxes and created a penal code and a national education. -
The second Carlist war
The refusal of Isabel II to marry Carlos Luis Borubon( the carlist claimant) caused a war in which carlists were finally defeated. -
Expropiations to the Church
The state signed a Concordat of the Holy see in which abolished the privatisation of the Church's properties. -
Glorious revolution
progressive military uprising that forced the instauration of democracy -
Period: to
Six years of democracy
Authoritarian tendencies of political leaders, influence of political cliques and electoral fraud caused a military revolt. This caused the exile of the queen Isabel II and the beggining of a democratic phase in the country. -
Provisional Government
General serrano, who was regent, was seeking for a foreign king and signed a new cosntitution. -
Reign of Amadeo I of Savoy
As there wasn't a legitime inheritor of the spanish throne, the government searched for a foreign king in Italy. Amadeo I of Savoy, son of Victor Manuel II of Italy. -
The first republic
After the resignation of the king, a period of great inestability started with the proclamation of the republic.It only lasted for 6 months and it had 4 different presidents.