
19th Century Russia

  • Russian Campaign

    Russian Campaign
    Czar Alexander 1 Allied with napoleon. The alliance lead to not being apart of British trade which eventually lead to a great harm in the Russian economy. Later Napoleon broke the alliance and invaded Russia.
  • Revolution of 1825

    Revolution of 1825
    Happened during the reign of Alexander II. It was an unsuccessful revolt against the Russian government. Lead by Military officials who saw Czar Nicholas I as a threat. The people believed his brother deserved the throne. The rebels wanted a liberal movement in Russia as well.
  • Crimean War

    Crimean War
    1853-1856. It started with Russia pursuing into Turkey trying to take it over. This was not in the interest of many European countries which lead to a war. British and French demanded Russia to leave but this lead to a war. The treaty of Paris ended the war.
  • Nicholas I

    Nicholas I
    A leader of Russia. He was a Czar which is an autocrat meaning someone who has full power. He died during the Crimean war. His form of government was considered very oppressive. He was very controlling and he had much interest in the military and in his power. His fear of rebellion and disorder led him to making strong political points.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Gave Turkey it's independence and made Russia lose a lot of land.
  • Russo Circassian war

    Russo Circassian war
    A war fought in the Northeastern Part of Russia for over 100 years. it was a war that was part of Czars conquest to conquer all of the Russian empire.
  • Russo/Turkish war

    Russo/Turkish war
    These were wars fought between the Ottoman empire (Turkey) and Russia. The wars were over Russia trying to invade Turkey. Russia was never able to fully conquer Turkey due to the European Countries coming in and joining the fight.
  • Alexander II killed

    Alexander II killed
    The death of this Czar (emperor) was caused by the "Peoples Will". The purpose of killing him was to get read of all Czars. Alexander did a lot to help strengthen the country. He later became a harsh ruler and was not open to reform leading to the people revolting. He was killed by a bomb thrown at him. He abolished serfdom (the status of many peasants who really meant nothing to society)
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    The war began with the countries fighting for Korea and Manchuria. The war began with a surprise attack from the Japanese. The war was won by the Japanese.
  • 1905 revolution

    1905 revolution
    The goal was from Czar Nicolas II. He wanted to change from the Czars to a constitutional monarchy after getting demolished in the Russo/Japanese war. Which spread to other parts of the empire that were non Russian example Poland and Finland. This eventually led to a huge strike amongst the workers. Which led to change and the creation of the Duma (general assembly)