19th century baseball timeline

  • Abner Doubleday

    Abner Doubleday
    Abner Doubleday is credited with inventing baseball in Cooperstown, New York.
  • Alexander Joy Cartwright

    Alexander Joy Cartwright
    In 1845 Alexander Joy Cartwright develops the rules of baseball
  • First official baseball game

    First official baseball game
    The first official game of baseball is played between the Knickerbockers and a group of cricket players.
  • California

    California enters the union
  • The Civil war

    The Civil war
    The American Civil War begins
  • First Women's baseball team

    First Women's baseball team
    The first women's baseball team is started by a group from Vassar College.
  • Candy Cummings

    Candy Cummings
    Candy Cummings throws the first curveball in baseball.
  • The Cincinnati Red Stockings

    The Cincinnati Red Stockings
    An all-professional team, the Cincinnati Red Stockings, takes the field for the first time.
  • The National League

    The National League
    The National League is established, with William Hulbert as president.
  • Custer's Defeat

    Custer's Defeat
    Custer’s defeat at Little BigHorn.
  • 1877 Louisville Grays scandal

    1877 Louisville Grays scandal
    1877 Louisville Grays scandal. Four players, including star pitcher Jim Devlin, were banned from professional baseball for life for throwing games for money
  • American Baseball Association created

    American Baseball Association created
    American Baseball Association, also known as the Beer and Whiskey League, is created.
  • The Brooklyn Bridge

    The Brooklyn Bridge
    The Brooklyn Bridge opens
  • Moses Fleetwood Walker

    Moses Fleetwood Walker
    Moses Fleetwood Walker becomes the first African-American player in the Major Leagues.
  • Pete Browning

    Pete Browning
    Pete Browning uses the first Louisville Slugger bat.
  • The Players League

    The Players League
    The Players’ League is created.
  • Cy Young

    Cy Young
    Cy Young takes the mound in the Major Leagues for the first time.
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
    Ellis Island opens as an immigration station
  • The Spanish – American War

    The Spanish – American War
    In 1898 the Spanish - American war begins