1990s Inventions

By Nagmehk
  • Microsoft Windows 3.0

    Microsoft Windows 3.0
    Inventor: David Weise and Murray Sargent
    - The first successful version of Windows to satisfy PC users
    - Known for its graphical user interface (GUI)
    - It allows multiple programs to run simultaneously on its
    Intel 80386 microprocessor
  • Linux Kernel

    Linux Kernel
    Inventor: Linus Torvalds
    - The most widely used Unix-like operating system kernels
    - Used in embedded systems, such as mobile devices, personal computers, and tablets
    - Is used by Linux distributions alongside GNU tools and libraries
  • Mosaic Web Browser

    Mosaic Web Browser
    Inventor: Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina
    - The first graphical web browser
    - The first browser to display text and images together on the same page
    - Unlike other browsers it is reliable and could be installed by amateurs
  • IBM ThinkPad 701C

    IBM ThinkPad 701C
    Inventor: John Karidis
    - Is a subnotebook in the ThinkPad line by IBM
    - The keyboard design is known as “the Butterfly” due to its sliding keyboard
    - The keyboard is comprised of three roughly triangular interlocking pieces, which form a full-sized keyboard when the laptop is opened
  • The iMac, a range of all-in-one Macintosh desktop computer

    The iMac, a range of all-in-one Macintosh desktop computer
    Inventor: Jony Ive
    - Apple’s first new product under the leadership of Steve Jobs
    - It sells for $1,300, the computer has a 4GB hard drive, 32MB of RAM, a CD-ROM drive, and a 15" monitor