
  • Adobe Photoshop

    Adobe Photoshop was realeased to the public in Feburary of 1990 and was a monumental part of technilogical development. Adobe Photoshop was a major hit in 1990 and still proves to be a ver popular product with customers to this very day. Adobe Photoshop also paved to path for the photo editing options we use on our personal mobil devices.
  • First Text Message

    The first text message was sent early December of 1992 between two Friends that read "Merry Christmas"
  • Mosaic Web Browser

    Sometime in the early 1990s the Mosaic Web Browser was developed and became the first browser to have images integrated into the browser or the site whereas up until this point, images had to be downloaded as separate files, which added time to an already lengthy process. In 1993 the Mosaic Web Browser became available to the public.
  • Nokia 1011

    The Nokia 1011 was the first cell phone to be mass produced for the public. It may not have been the first cell phone ever, but it's definitely the phone we all think about when we think of the first cell phone ever.
  • DVDs and DVD Players

    DVDs and DVD Players
    CDs may have been invented prior to the 1990's, but DVDs made their way on the scene in March of 1995. DVD technology steered further away from the outdated technology of film which made filming, producing, and distributing films became much less inexpensive.